Digitalna platforma ima za cilj da konkretne inovacije i tehnološka rešenja, proizvedena od strane akademske i istraživačke zajednice, učini dostupnim privatnim kompanijama. Ovo je usluga za automatsko preuzimanje, sinhronizaciju, sortiranje i prikazivanje informacija sa velikih naučnih platformi kao što su, Google Scholar ili Researchers Gate sa platforme EmpowerHR4Inno. Platforma se inicijalno fokusira na prioritetne sektore, prehrambenu industriju, zdravstveni turizam, horizontalni IT prioritet i nacionalno proizvedena rešenja sa tendencijom daljeg razvoja. Sljedeće informacije se mogu naći:
  • Biblioteka kurseva sa objavljenim podsadržajem VoS-a, rezultatima, drugim rešenjima i digitalnim alatima i HR modelima;
  • Skup funkcija koje omogućavaju slanje novijih, objavljenih članaka, radova korisnicima koji se registruju kao zainteresovani za određenu grupu vesti.
Steklov Mathematical Institute
Разрешение особенностей пространств орбит $G_{n,2}/T^n$
Изучается пространство орбит $X_n = G_{n,2}/T^n$ стандартного действия компактного тора $T^n$ на комплексном многообразии Грассмана $G_{n,2}$. Описана структура множества критических точек $\operatorname {Crit}G_{n,2}$ обобщенного отображения моментов $\mu _n: G_{n,2}\to \mathbb {R}^n$, образом которого является гиперсимплекс $\Delta _{n,2}$. Каноническая проекция $G_{n,2}\to X_n$ переводит множество $\operatorname {Crit} G_{n,2}$ в множество $\operatorname {Crit}X_n$, состоящее по определению из...
Preuzmite dokument 2022 Victor Matveevich Buchstaber , Svjetlana Terzic
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
Regular local hyperrings and hyperdomains
<abstract><p>This paper falls in the area of hypercompositional algebra. In particular it focuses on the class of Krasner hyperrings and it studies the regular local hyperrings. These are Krasner hyperrings $ R $ with a unique maximal hyperideal $ M $ having the dimension equal to the dimension of the vectorial hyperspace $ \frac{M}{M^2} $. The aim of the paper is to show that any regular local hyperring is a hyperdomain. For proving this, we make use of the relationship existing between...
Preuzmite dokument 2022 Hashem Bordbar , Sanja Jančič-Rašovič , Irina Cristea
National Library of Serbia
Uniqueness for stochastic scalar conservation laws on Riemannian manifolds revisited
We revise a uniqueness question for the scalar conservation law with stochastic forcing du + divgf(x,u)dt = ?(x,u)dWt, x ? M, t ? 0 on a smooth compact Riemannian manifold (M,g) whereWt is the Wiener process and x ? f(x,?) is a vector field on M for each ? ? R. We introduce admissibility conditions, derive the kinetic formulation and use it to prove uniqueness in a more straight-forward way than in the existing literature.
Preuzmite dokument 2022 Nikola Konatar
ASME International
Stability of Multidegree of Freedom Potential Systems to General Infinitesimal Positional Perturbation Forces
Abstract The stability of general linear multidegree of freedom stable potential systems that are perturbed by general arbitrary positional forces, which may be neither conservative nor purely circulatory/conservative, is considered. It has been recently recognized that such perturbed potential systems with multiple frequencies of vibration are susceptible to instability, and this paper is centrally concerned with the situation when potential systems have such multiple natural frequencies....
Preuzmite dokument 2022 Ranislav M. Bulatovic , Firdaus E. Udwadia
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