Digitalna platforma ima za cilj da konkretne inovacije i tehnološka rešenja, proizvedena od strane akademske i istraživačke zajednice, učini dostupnim privatnim kompanijama. Ovo je usluga za automatsko preuzimanje, sinhronizaciju, sortiranje i prikazivanje informacija sa velikih naučnih platformi kao što su, Google Scholar ili Researchers Gate sa platforme EmpowerHR4Inno. Platforma se inicijalno fokusira na prioritetne sektore, prehrambenu industriju, zdravstveni turizam, horizontalni IT prioritet i nacionalno proizvedena rešenja sa tendencijom daljeg razvoja. Sljedeće informacije se mogu naći:
  • Biblioteka kurseva sa objavljenim podsadržajem VoS-a, rezultatima, drugim rešenjima i digitalnim alatima i HR modelima;
  • Skup funkcija koje omogućavaju slanje novijih, objavljenih članaka, radova korisnicima koji se registruju kao zainteresovani za određenu grupu vesti.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
‘That is very important, isn’t it?’
AbstractThis study explores the use of content-oriented questions in British and Montenegrin university lectures. It examines their formal realisation, their frequency and their contextual functions, as well as the differences and similarities related to these questions between British linguistics lectures taken from the standard British corpora, and a specially compiled corpus of Montenegrin linguistics lectures. Compared to previous studies on content-oriented questions, one modified and five...
Preuzmite dokument 2022 Branka Živković
Faculty of Philology - University of Montenegro
Novo djelo, istoričara dr Slavka Burzanovića “Crna Gora u Italijanskoj spoljnoj politici 1861–1923.”, predstavlja sistematski zaokupljene odgovore na zadatu temu, bez premca u crnogorskoj istoriografiji. Predstavlja rezultat autorovih istraživanja u domaćim i stranim arhivima i višegodišnjeg predanog bavljenja ovom temom, čije rezultate je kolega Burzanović ranije publikovao u formi nekoliko članaka i priloga.
Preuzmite dokument 2022 Radenko Šćekić
Faculty of Philology - University of Montenegro
Modernist writers such as Katherine Anne Porter were preoccupied with primitivism as opposed to the technological achievements of contemporary society. The deep fascination of the modernists with primitivist tendencies relies mainly on the relationship between art and everyday life, as well as on their desire to escape modern civilization and become one with nature. Aesthetic primitivism based on the artistic expression of the Mexican Indians captured Porter’s attention during her literary career....
Preuzmite dokument 2022 Dijana Mirković
The Road Association of Serbia Via-vita
Road safety perception and behaviour of young drivers: Case study of Montenegro
The large number of road fatalities and injured represents a serious and challenging global problem. Road users’ personalities, attitudes and behaviour can influence how individuals, especially youngsters, react to a particular driving situation. Young drivers are among the riskiest road users, particularly during the first few months of independent driving. Although they represent only a small percentage of licensed drivers, they are more likely to be involved in traffic accidents with fatalities...
Preuzmite dokument 2022 Boris Antić , Vladimir Pajković , Mirjana Grdinić-Rakonjac
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology
New records of Salicornia s.l. in Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Floristic investigations on the eastern part of Adriatic coast in Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina led to the discovery of three glasswort taxa new for the area: Arthrocaulon macrostachyum (Moric.) Piirainen et G. Kadereit and Salicornia procumbens Sm. subsp. procumbens and S. perennis Mill. All three taxa were recorded in the abandoned basins of Tivat Saline in Montenegro, while S. perennis was also found in the Klek Peninsula in Bosnia and Hercegovina. According to the IUCN criteria, the...
Preuzmite dokument 2022 Đorđije Milanović , Milica Stanišić-Vujačić , Urban Šilc , Danijela Stešević
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