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  • Biblioteka kurseva sa objavljenim podsadržajem VoS-a, rezultatima, drugim rešenjima i digitalnim alatima i HR modelima;
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Drivers of the Structure of Mollusc Communities in the Natural Aquatic Habitats along the Valley of a Lowland River: Implications for Their Conservation through the Buffer Zones
The objectives of our survey were to determine the most important environmental factors within buffer zones that influenced mollusc communities and to evaluate the ecological conservation value of natural aquatic habitats (NAHs) that support mollusc species. Analysis of the spatial structure of buffer zones and catchments was based on a set of landscape metrics. Land cover classes were determined, and buffer zones within a radius of 500 m from a sampling point were marked out. Mollusc samples were...
Preuzmite dokument 2023 Grzegorz Michoński , Joanna Pakulnicka , Iga Lewin , Agnieszka Szlauer-Łukaszewska , Izabela Szućko-Kociuba , Edyta Stępień , Vladimir Pešić , Robert Stryjecki , Andrzej Zawal , Zuzanna Krzynówek , Maja Krakowiak , Aleksandra Bańkowska , Tapas Chatterjee ... Pogledajte sve
Research Square Platform LLC
DNA barcode-based survey documents underestimated diversity and intricate phylogeographic patterns of aquatic Heteroptera in an endangered Balkan biodiversity hotspot: ancient Lake Skadar basin
Abstract Lake Skadar with its surrounding springs, wetlands and larger affluents is among the most diverse freshwater ecosystems in the Mediterranean region and a key biodiversity/endemism hotspot in Europe. It is also highly endangered due to climate change and rapid tourism development in the area. Being abundant, diverse and mostly predatory, true aquatic bugs play an important role in the functioning of freshwater ecosystems and are used as indicators of aquatic habitat quality. Nevertheless,...
Preuzmite dokument 2023 Tomasz Rewicz , Grzegorz Tończyk , Tomasz Mamos , Piotr Gadawski , Vladimir Pešić , Andrzej Zawal , Łukasz Trębicki , Michał Grabowski
River Habitat Survey: Does This Help to Explain the Nature of Water Mite (Acari and Hydrachnidia) Assemblages?
In the European Union, assessments of the quality of the aquatic environment based on aquatic invertebrates are mandatory. Biological methods are supplemented with hydromorphological assessments of watercourses. There are many studies analysing the relationships between aquatic invertebrates and the hydromorphological assessment of the environment by the River Habitat Survey (RHS) method, but thus far, there has been no detailed study including water mites (Acari, Hydrachnidia) and the application...
Preuzmite dokument 2023 Grzegorz Michoński , Joanna Pakulnicka , Iga Lewin , Agnieszka Szlauer-Łukaszewska , Vladimir Pešić , Ewa Filip , Robert Stryjecki , Andrzej Zawal , Aleksandra Bańkowska , Tapas Chatterjee
Sequentiality of beetle communities in the longitudinal gradient of a lowland river in the context of the river continuum concept
The main goal of the study was to recognize the mechanisms underlying assemblage structuring of aquatic beetle fauna inhabiting a medium-sized, lowland river exposed to anthropogenic pressures. An attempt was made to identify the impact of numerous abiotic factors on how beetle communities are formed, with particular emphasis on geomorphological and landscape-related factors, which tend to be omitted from many studies of aquatic organisms. Our intention was to refer the results of our study to the...
Preuzmite dokument 2022 Edyta Buczyńska , Paweł Buczyński , Joanna Pakulnicka , Agnieszka Szlauer-Łukaszewska , Edyta Stępień , Vladimir Pešić , Ewa Filip , Robert Stryjecki , Andrzej Zawal , Aleksandra Bańkowska
Anthropogenic transformations of river ecosystems are not always bad for the environment: Multi-taxa analyses of changes in aquatic and terrestrial environments after dredging of a small lowland river
Rivers are one of the most commonly transformed aquatic ecosystems. Most papers present significantly negative effects of activities such as dredging or channel regulation on the ecological status of rivers. The purpose of this work was to compare the response of various groups of invertebrates (Mollusca, Hydrachnidia, Odonata, Heteroptera, Coleoptera and Trichoptera) to an intervention involving dredging in conjunction with the removal of riparian vegetation. Habitat diversity increased after the...
Preuzmite dokument 2021 Aleksandra Jabłońska , Edyta Buczyńska , Paweł Buczyński , Grzegorz Michoński , Tomasz Krepski , Joanna Pakulnicka , Agnieszka Szlauer-Łukaszewska , Edyta Stępień , Vladimir Pešić , Anna Sulikowska-Drozd , Lech Pietrzak , Tomasz Olechwir , Robert Stryjecki , Andrzej Zawal , Stanisław Czachorowski , Łukasz Jankowiak , Magdalena Achrem , Michał Grabowski ... Pogledajte sve
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