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  • Biblioteka kurseva sa objavljenim podsadržajem VoS-a, rezultatima, drugim rešenjima i digitalnim alatima i HR modelima;
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SAGE Publications
The Incidence and Forms of Cyberbullying and the Connection Between Cyberbullying and Self-Esteem Among High School Students in Montenegro
This research has been motivated by a lack of studies related to cyberbullying in Montenegro. The main goal of the research has been to evaluate the incidence of cyberbullying and its most common forms among high school students in Montenegro, as well as whether it is committing and experiencing cyberbullying connected to the self-esteem of high school students. As many as 202 students from 10 Montenegrin high schools have participated in the research. Schools from the northern, central, and southern...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Antoaneta Adžić Zečević , Snežana Grbović , Marija Draganić
Research Square Platform LLC
Retinal microvascular complexity as a putative biomarker of biological age – a pilot study
Abstract Physiological changes associated with aging increase the risk for the development of age-related diseases. This increase is nonspecific to the type of age-related disease, although each desease develops through a unique pathophysiologic mechanism. People who age at a faster rate develop age-related diseases earlier in their life. They have an older “biological age” compared to their “chronological age”. Early detection of individuals with accelerated aging would allow timely intervention...
Preuzmite dokument 2023 Antoaneta Adžić Zečević , Natasa Popovic , Stela Vujosevic , Miodrag Radunović , Jevto Eraković , Miroslav Radunović , Maša Ždralević , Tijana Vuković , Ljiljana Radulović , Ranko Lazović , Batrić Vukčević , Isidora Rovčanin Dragović , Tomo Popovic ... Pogledajte sve
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