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Central Fisheries Research Institute (SUMAE)
Phytoplankton Dynamics in an Oligo-mesotrophic Environment along the Montenegrin Coast (South-East Adriatic Sea)
The dynamics of the phytoplankton community were studied along the Montenegrin coast, in the mesotrophic area of Boka Kotorska Bay and the oligotrophic coastal open sea area. This two year study investigates differences in dynamics of phytoplankton assemblages and abundances in the Bay area, which is highly impacted from the land, and the open coastal part of the Montenegrin coast, which is highly influenced by Levantine water masses but less affected by anthropogenic influence.` Regarding phytoplankton...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Aleksandra Huter , Branka Pestorić , Danijela Šuković , Olivera MARKOVIĆ , Dragana Drakulović
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
The occurrence of the jellyfish Aequorea cf. forskalea in the Adriatic Sea
Jellyfish are becoming an increasingly important component of studies of the global marine environment, as their frequent mass phenomena affect ecosystem performance and have economic and health consequences. Recent research has focused primarily on mass occurrences of scyphozoans and ctenophores, while less attention has been paid to hydromedusae blooms, which can also have significant impacts on the marine ecosystem with economic consequences. Like many members of the Scyphozoa and Ctenophora,...
Preuzmite dokument 2022 Nastjenjka Supić , Ivana Violić , Paolo Paliaga , Davor Lučić , Natalia Bojanić , Branka Pestorić , Martin Vodopivec , Alenka Malej
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