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Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
A review of reproduction biology and spawning/ nursery grounds of the most important Adriatic commercial fish species in the last two decades
Recently, despite long-term systematic research of the Adriatic Sea ecosystem, the necessity to improve the existing protection of commercially exploited species occurred since the status of many renewable marine stocks were not in good state. In order to realize that review of scientific knowledge gather within the last two decades was required. In this paper emphasis has been placed on all the scientific knowledge concerning the reproductive biology, spawning and nursery grounds of four ecologically...
Preuzmite dokument 2020 Barbara Zorica , Milica Mandić , Ana Pešić , Vanja Čikeš Keč , Bojan Marčeta , Corrado Piccinetti , Nedo Vrgoč , Igor Isajlović
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