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'University of Zadar'
Prirodno-geografske značajke prostora Boke kotorske kao osnova razvoja
The paper contains essential interaction determinants of the spatial position and natural geographical bases of the Boka Kotorska area in the function of its development. Covering an area of about 800 km2 and with more than 60.000 inhabitants it form a specific littoral area in the contact zone Montenegro-Croatia. Special consideration is given to the characteristics of the geological origin and structure of this area, to geomorphological features, climatovegetational characteristics and influence...
Preuzmite dokument English 2002 CORE Damir Magaš
'University of Zadar'
Prilog poznavanju geografskih obilježja otoka Paga
The theme of the paper is the geographical characteristics of the Pag Island, which belongs to the Zadar region in South Croatia. (Dalmatia). The author gives careful consideration to its geographical position, extension and size, physiogeographical features (geology, geomorphology), speleological characteristics, climate, land and sea waters, vegetation, soils) and sociogeographic characteristics. Special attention is paid to the historic- geographical aspect of the development and population in...
Preuzmite dokument English 2000 CORE Damir Magaš
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