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'Croatian Cartographic Society'
Cartography in Croatia 2007–2011 National Report to the ICA 15th General Assembly, Paris, 2011
<p>Croatia has been a member of the International Cartographic Association – ICA since 1995 and one of its obligations has been to submit national reports about its cartographic activities at general assemblies held everyfour years. The bearer of those activities in Croatia is the Croatian Cartographic Society. The State Geodetic Administration recognized the value and importance of those activities and has been financially supporting the work on national report for several years.</p
Preuzmite dokument 2011 CORE Dražen Tutić (ur.) , Miljenko Lapaine (ur.)
'Croatian Cartographic Society'
Cartography in Croatia 2007–2011 National Report to the ICA 15th General Assembly, Paris, 2011
This article stems from setting student projects. It describes in detail the outcome of a project designed to ascertain the views of the public in relation to ancillary relief and what they consider to be a ‘fair’ outcome. The rationale for undertaking student projects has been discussed at length in another article and is therefore only alluded to here. The discussion centres around the law, findings and outcome of the project. Students studying the Family Law course at Sheffield University were...
Preuzmite dokument 2007 CORE Dražen Tutić (ur.) , Miljenko Lapaine (ur.)
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