Digitalna platforma ima za cilj da konkretne inovacije i tehnološka rešenja, proizvedena od strane akademske i istraživačke zajednice, učini dostupnim privatnim kompanijama. Ovo je usluga za automatsko preuzimanje, sinhronizaciju, sortiranje i prikazivanje informacija sa velikih naučnih platformi kao što su, Google Scholar ili Researchers Gate sa platforme EmpowerHR4Inno. Platforma se inicijalno fokusira na prioritetne sektore, prehrambenu industriju, zdravstveni turizam, horizontalni IT prioritet i nacionalno proizvedena rešenja sa tendencijom daljeg razvoja. Sljedeće informacije se mogu naći:
  • Biblioteka kurseva sa objavljenim podsadržajem VoS-a, rezultatima, drugim rešenjima i digitalnim alatima i HR modelima;
  • Skup funkcija koje omogućavaju slanje novijih, objavljenih članaka, radova korisnicima koji se registruju kao zainteresovani za određenu grupu vesti.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
In vitro biomedical corrosion and enzyme activity inhibition on modified Cu-Zn-Al bioalloy
Abstract The amperometric biosensor was created using a flat sheet of the Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloy, with a shiny surface and uniform thickness below 1 mm. The high biocompatibility and a large specific surface area for enzyme loading are evaluated. In vitro biomedical corrosion testing of samples revealed successful immobilization of catalase, which has undergone quasi-reversible electron transfer from the surface and saline solution. A catalase that had been immobilized retained...
Preuzmite dokument 2023 Edhem Hasković , Safija Herenda , Vanja Asanović , Jelena Šćepanović , Dragan Radonjic
National Library of Serbia
The reasons for unusable lipemic blood plasma in transfusion treatment
Introduction/Objective. The increased presence of lipid particles in blood is one of most common reasons that transfusion units are unusable. The risk factors for lipemic plasma in donated blood are not completely known. The aim of this study is to identify the factors that influence plasma to be fatty so that we can prevent further storage costs and eliminate unusable transfusion units. Methods. This case?control study was conducted in 2017, and 1552 respondents were included in the study. The...
Preuzmite dokument 2021 Mirjana Varjacic , Sasa Raicevic , Dusko Kljakic , Dragan Radonjic
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