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Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
Prvi popis hrskavičnjača Crne Gore temeljen na kombinaciji monitoringa gospodarskog ribolova i građanske znanosti
Chondrichthyans are considered a highly threatened marine species, due both to the intense fishing pressure they have experienced in the world’s Oceans over several decades, and other threats, such as habitat loss, climate change and marine pollution. A rapid decline in their populations could trigger significant negative changes in marine ecosystems, highlighting the need for improved conservation measures. This study analyzes the current state of this group in the waters of Montenegro (in the...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Dragana Milošević , Nikola Đorđević , Ioannis Giovos , Milica Divanović , Ana Pešić , Danilo Mrdak , Ilija Ćetković , Zdravko IKICA , Adi Barash , Fabrizio Serena
Oxford University Press (OUP)
Diversity of MHC class II DRB alleles in the Northern chamois genus Rupicapra
Abstract Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are commonly used markers for monitoring adaptive genetic and evolutionary potential of species. In this study, we investigated genetic variation of the MHC class II DRB locus in the chamois genus Rupicapra by using next-generation sequencing. Sequencing of 102 samples led to the identification of 25 alleles, 11 of which are novel. The high ratio of the relative rates of nonsynonymous to synonymous mutations (dN/dS) suggests a...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Dragana Milošević , MariaCruz Arnal , Georgi Markov , Peter Lazar , Laura Iacolina , Dragan Gačić , Massimo Scandura , Ferdinand Bego , Andrea Rezić , Hüseyin Ambarlı , Elena Buzan , Vladimir Maletić , Haritakis Papaioannou , Krešimir Križanović , Nikica Šprem , Attila Farkas , Toni Safner , Ana Galov , Sunčica Stipoljev , Elmar Babaev ... Pogledajte sve
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
Biometry of the sagittal otoliths for three demersal fish species from the Eastern Adriatic Sea (Montenegro)
The otolith morphology, biometry and otolith size and fish length relationship of three demersal fish species: red mullet Mullus barbatus, common pandora Pagellus erythrinus and hake Merluccius merluccius were examined. Based on otoliths relative sizes P. erythrinus and M. merluccius have Large otoliths, while M. barbatus has Small sagittal otoliths. The relationships between otolith variables and fish somatic growth were described by a linear function. All relationships were statistically highly...
Preuzmite dokument 2021 Dragana Milošević , Ana Pešić , Zdravko IKICA , Tamara Mitrović , Nikola Paskaš
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