Digitalna platforma ima za cilj da konkretne inovacije i tehnološka rešenja, proizvedena od strane akademske i istraživačke zajednice, učini dostupnim privatnim kompanijama. Ovo je usluga za automatsko preuzimanje, sinhronizaciju, sortiranje i prikazivanje informacija sa velikih naučnih platformi kao što su, Google Scholar ili Researchers Gate sa platforme EmpowerHR4Inno. Platforma se inicijalno fokusira na prioritetne sektore, prehrambenu industriju, zdravstveni turizam, horizontalni IT prioritet i nacionalno proizvedena rešenja sa tendencijom daljeg razvoja. Sljedeće informacije se mogu naći:
  • Biblioteka kurseva sa objavljenim podsadržajem VoS-a, rezultatima, drugim rešenjima i digitalnim alatima i HR modelima;
  • Skup funkcija koje omogućavaju slanje novijih, objavljenih članaka, radova korisnicima koji se registruju kao zainteresovani za određenu grupu vesti.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Potential Invasiveness of Devil Firefish Pterois miles (Bennett 1828) in the Eastern Adriatic Sea
Abstract Devil firefish Pterois miles is an invasive alien species which has severely impacted biodiversity and ecological processes in invaded areas of the Mediterranean. In recent years, its presence has been documented in several countries of the Adriatic Sea. Based on the negative ecological and socio-economic impacts in other areas of the Mediterranean Sea, the potential invasiveness of devil firefish was analyzed for the coastal areas of the three eastern Adriatic countries...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Rigers Bakiu , Ilija Ćetković , Alen Soldo
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
Prvi popis hrskavičnjača Crne Gore temeljen na kombinaciji monitoringa gospodarskog ribolova i građanske znanosti
Chondrichthyans are considered a highly threatened marine species, due both to the intense fishing pressure they have experienced in the world’s Oceans over several decades, and other threats, such as habitat loss, climate change and marine pollution. A rapid decline in their populations could trigger significant negative changes in marine ecosystems, highlighting the need for improved conservation measures. This study analyzes the current state of this group in the waters of Montenegro (in the...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Dragana Milošević , Nikola Đorđević , Ioannis Giovos , Milica Divanović , Ana Pešić , Danilo Mrdak , Ilija Ćetković , Zdravko IKICA , Adi Barash , Fabrizio Serena
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
New species of fish and crustaceans in Montenegrin waters (South Adriatic Sea)
The structure and composition of Mediterranean biodiversity has changed significantly. So far, in Montenegrin coastal waters, nine new non-native species have been recorded: Tylosurus acus imperialis, Caranx crysos, Siganus luridus, Fistularia commersonii, Stephanolepis diaspros, Sphoeroides pachygaster, Lagocephalus sceleratus, Callinectes sapidus and Farfantepanaeus aztecus. Allochthonous species are starting to compete for food and space and leading to habitat degradation, socio-economic impacts...
Preuzmite dokument 2022 Aleksandar JOKSIMOVIĆ , Jovana Tomanić , Ana Pešić , Ilija Ćetković , Zdravko IKICA , Predrag Simonović
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