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  • Biblioteka kurseva sa objavljenim podsadržajem VoS-a, rezultatima, drugim rešenjima i digitalnim alatima i HR modelima;
  • Skup funkcija koje omogućavaju slanje novijih, objavljenih članaka, radova korisnicima koji se registruju kao zainteresovani za određenu grupu vesti.
A Platform of Critical Barriers to Socially Sustainable Residential Buildings: Experts’ Perspective
The concept of sustainable cities and communities is endorsed as one of the seventeen goals of sustainable development. Since buildings represent an essential element of the city, they play a primary role in achieving the social, economic, and environmental sustainability of cities. Previous studies have pointed to the lack of emphasis on the social aspect of buildings. Aiming to fill the gap, this research is focused on identifying barriers that hinder the adoption of social sustainability (SS)...
Preuzmite dokument 2023 Kosa Golić , Slavica Stamatovic Vuckovic , Tatjana Kosić , Kosara Kujundzic , Vesna Kosorić
Strategies for Realization of Socially Sustainable Residential Buildings: Experts’ Perspectives
Over the recent decades, the concept of social sustainability (SS) has been increasingly recognized as a key component of sustainable development incorporated in sustainable communities’ agendas. However, SS measures and practices have been insufficiently applied and underrepresented with regard to residential buildings. The aim of this paper is to employ experts’ perspectives to identify interdisciplinary, multilevel strategies/drivers for the integration of SS measures and practices into governmental...
Preuzmite dokument 2023 Kosa Golić , Slavica Stamatovic Vuckovic , Kosara Kujundzic , Vesna Kosorić
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