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  • Biblioteka kurseva sa objavljenim podsadržajem VoS-a, rezultatima, drugim rešenjima i digitalnim alatima i HR modelima;
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Evaluation of the Corrosion Depth of Double Bottom Longitudinal Girder on Aging Bulk Carriers
The longitudinal girder (LG) between fuel oil tanks (FOT) and water ballast tanks in the double bottoms of ships represent critical structural parts whose watertight nature could be harmed by corrosion, thus, causing the pollution of water ballast tanks and adjacent areas. The new common structural rules (CSR) define the minimum thickness values of structural elements and corrosion margins. The assessment of the deviations from the prescribed values during ship operation could optimize the prescribed...
Preuzmite dokument 2022 CORE Vukelić, Goran , Momčilović, Nikola , Kovac, Nataša , Ivosević, Spiro
'Association for Promotion and Development of Maritime Industries'
The Analyses of the Rate of Pitting Corrosion of a NiTi Rod in a Natural Marine Environment
The analysis of the behaviour of new materials in the natural environment is important for their application and commercial use. In order to explore the application of Shape Memory Alloys in the Maritime industry, this research focuses on the corrosive behaviour of the NiTi rod that was produced by means of a continuous casting process. The experiment included three samples of NiTi rods that were exposed to the marine environment for 6, 12 and 18 months at a depth of 3 metres below the surface....
Preuzmite dokument English 2022 CORE Majerič, Peter , Vastag, Gyöngyi , Rudolf, Rebeka , Kovac, Nataša , Ivosević, Spiro
'Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Univ. of Zagreb'
To ensure the better structural integrity and maximum safety of bulk carriers in the ship design phase, an appropriate corrosion margin is introduced by the classification societies, which should enable the exploitation of ships during the projected 25-year life cycle. The new Common Structural Rules introduce even higher corrosion margin value to ensure the structural integrity of the ship. This directly affects the increase in hull weight and thus the need for more total installed power and higher...
Preuzmite dokument English 2021 CORE Vukelić, Goran , Momčilović, Nikola , Kovac, Nataša , Ivosević, Spiro
'Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Univ. of Zagreb'
Analysis of corrosion depth percentage on the inner bottom plates of aging bulk carriers with an aim to optimize corrosion margin
To ensure the better structural integrity and maximum safety of bulk carriers in the ship design phase, an appropriate corrosion margin is introduced by the classification societies, which should enable the exploitation of ships during the projected 25-year life cycle. The new Common Structural Rules introduce even higher corrosion margin value to ensure the structural integrity of the ship. This directly affects the increase in hull weight and thus the need for more total installed power and higher...
Preuzmite dokument English 2021 CORE Vukelić, Goran , Momčilović, Nikola , Kovac, Nataša , Ivosević, Spiro
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