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  • Biblioteka kurseva sa objavljenim podsadržajem VoS-a, rezultatima, drugim rešenjima i digitalnim alatima i HR modelima;
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Les Amis d'Acarologia
Two new species from the Hygrobates nigromaculatus-complex (Acariformes, Hydrachnidia, Hygrobatidae), based on morphological and molecular evidence
We analyse the taxonomic structure of the Hygrobates nigromaculatus-complex from the Balkan Peninsula. We describe two new species: Hygrobates lacrima Pešić sp. nov. (Montenegro) and H. limnocrenicus Pešić sp. nov. (Montenegro, North Macedonia). Although both species are morphologically similar, the average K2P-distance between DNA-barcode sequences from H. limnocrenicus sp. nov. and its closest relative H. setosus was 12.43% (SD = 1.47), and between H. lacrima sp. nov. and its closest relative...
Preuzmite dokument 2020 Andrej Zawal , Łukasz Broda , Milica Jovanović , Ana Manović , Miroslawa Dabert , Vladimir Pešić , Aleksandra Bańkowska , Peter Martin
'Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries'
Pregled puževa golaća u Bokokotorskom zaljevu, Crna Gora
Heterobranch molluscs fauna in Montenegro has been poorly investigated so far. The aim of the present paper is to improve the knowledge about species diversity of these marine organisms in the Boka Kotorska Bay, a specific fjord-like entity in the southern Adriatic Sea. New records of seven heterobranch species were obtained by field surveys in 2017, while three new records were provided by analysing underwater photographs from previous periods. The resulted checklist summarizes the knowledge of...
Preuzmite dokument English 2019 CORE Martina Orlando-Bonaca , Milica Jovanović , Domen Trkov , Lovrenc Lipej , Vesna Mačić
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