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Serbian Genetics Society
Analysis of morphological traits of bird's foot trefoil plants cv. Bokor transformed with Agrobacterium rhizogenes
An efficient method for genetic transformation and shoot regeneration was achieved in bird's foot trefoil cv. Bokor using A. rhizogens. The transformed shoots were regenerated on hairy root segments in high frequency. After rooting and acclimation, transformed To plants were grown in experimental field. Analysis of morphological traits and chemical content in ten unintentionally chosen To bird's foot trefoil plants (genotypes no. 2 and no. 5) was performed. They were compared to those of control...
Preuzmite dokument 2005 CORE Nikolić Radomirka , Mitić Nevena
Serbian Genetics Society
Inheritance of in vitro response in wheat
The inheritance of in vitro culture response was studied by using immature embryos from five wheat cultivars and their reciprocal hybrids. In vitro culture response was evaluated according to callus formation, percentage of regenerative calli and the number of plants per embryo. By crossing the cultivar Vesna (VS) with highest tissue culture response and the two cultivars with lowest response Leda (LD) and Zajecarska 65 (ZA), it was demonstrated that the regeneration potential was heritable. VS...
Preuzmite dokument 2004 CORE Nikolić Radomirka , Mitić Nevena
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