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  • Biblioteka kurseva sa objavljenim podsadržajem VoS-a, rezultatima, drugim rešenjima i digitalnim alatima i HR modelima;
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Central Fisheries Research Institute (SUMAE)
Phytoplankton Dynamics in an Oligo-mesotrophic Environment along the Montenegrin Coast (South-East Adriatic Sea)
The dynamics of the phytoplankton community were studied along the Montenegrin coast, in the mesotrophic area of Boka Kotorska Bay and the oligotrophic coastal open sea area. This two year study investigates differences in dynamics of phytoplankton assemblages and abundances in the Bay area, which is highly impacted from the land, and the open coastal part of the Montenegrin coast, which is highly influenced by Levantine water masses but less affected by anthropogenic influence.` Regarding phytoplankton...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Aleksandra Huter , Branka Pestorić , Danijela Šuković , Olivera MARKOVIĆ , Dragana Drakulović
National Library of Serbia
Some biological aspects of Mediterranean mud shrimp, Upogebia pusilla (Petagna, 1792) in the Boka Kotorska Bay, Southeastern Adriatic Sea
Biological aspects (length frequency distribution, length-weight ratio, sex ratio, allometric growth, Fulton?s condition factor) of Upogebia pusilla were studied in Tivat Saline (Tivatska solila), Boka Kotorska Bay in 2019. A total of 1,415 individuals were collected. The total length of all studied individuals ranged from 27 to 55 mm (8 and 20 mm CL), while the total weights ranged from 0.29 to 2.56 g (the total length of males ranged from 27 to 51 mm, non-ovigerous and ovigerous females ranged...
Preuzmite dokument 2023 Aleksandra Huter , Mirko Djurovic , Olivera MARKOVIĆ , Zdravko IKICA
'Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries'
Učinci pridnenog koćarenja na bentoske zajednice u južnom Jadranu (Crna Gora)
The purpose of this study is to show the effects of bottom trawling on the benthic assemblages in the south Adriatic Sea as well as to report detailed quantitative and qualitative data on some invertebrate groups of no commercial value that are affected by trawling. Short-term effects of bottom trawling on the soft bottom seafloor were studied on the continental shelf and upper slope in the southeastern Adriatic Sea. Ten sites were trawled in July 2011. A total of 14,069 invertebrate organisms...
Preuzmite dokument English 2016 CORE Aleksandar JOKSIMOVIĆ , Olivera MARKOVIĆ , Zdravko IKICA , Mirko ĐUROVIĆ , Slavica PETOVIĆ
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