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  • Biblioteka kurseva sa objavljenim podsadržajem VoS-a, rezultatima, drugim rešenjima i digitalnim alatima i HR modelima;
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National Library of Serbia
Five wild-growing Artemisia (Asteraceae) species from Serbia and Montenegro: Essential oil composition and its chemophenetic significance
In this work, the essential oils (EOs) obtained by hydrodistillation from the aerial parts of five Artemisia species: A. alba Turra, A. pontica L., A. scoparia Waldst. & Kitam., A. vulgaris L., originating from Serbia and A. umbelliformis Lam. subsp. eriantha (Ten.) Vall?s-Xirau & Oliva Bra?as, originating from Montenegro were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). In total, 91 compounds were detected, and 78 were identified. Even though a high number of compounds...
Preuzmite dokument 2021 Milan Gavrilovic , Petar Marin , Nemanja Rajcevic , Jelica Novakovic , Maja Radulovic , Pedja Janackovic , Danijela Stešević
National Library of Serbia
Anatomical traits of Artemisia umbelliformis subsp. eriantha (asteraceae) alpine glacial relict from Mt. Durmitor (Montenegro)
In this study, the vegetative anatomy of Artemisia umbelliformis subsp. eriantha, a Central European alpine glacial relict, wild-growing on Mt. Durmitor (Montenegro) was examined for the first time. The aim was to investigate the general anatomy and particular anatomical traits which might have possible taxonomic value. Microscopic slides were prepared according to the standard histological procedures. The adventitious young root showed a primary structure, while the older root...
Preuzmite dokument 2021 Zora Dajic-Stevanovic , Milan Gavrilovic , Petar Marin , Pedja Janackovic , Dragana Rančić , Danijela Stešević
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