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An Index for Snowmelt-Induced Landslide Prediction for Zavoj Lake, Serbia
In February 1963, a huge landslide (ca. 1,950,000 m3) blocked the Visočica River and, thus, formed Zavoj Lake. The primary objective of this research was to investigate the importance of snowmelt in relation to landslide occurrence and to define the critical climatic conditions that may trigger massive winter landslides. We used monthly precipitation and average monthly maximum temperature data from meteorological and precipitation stations in the Visočica River basin (Dojkinci) and in the immediate...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Manfred Mudelsee , Milica G. Radaković , Randall J. Schaetzl , Rastko Marković , Aleksandar Antić , Velibor Spalevic , Miloš Marjanović , Jugoslav Nikolić , Biljana Basarin , Slobodan B. Marković , Aleksandar R. Radivojević , Tin Lukić ... Pogledajte sve
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Loess and geotourism potential of the Braničevo District (NE Serbia): From overexploitation to paleoclimate interpretation
Abstract The use of loess as a resource for paleoclimatic research is quite well established. In Serbia, a significant number of loess sequences have been preserved in old brickyards. The results of the previously conducted research indicate extremely valuable data that enable a better understanding of the mid- to late Pleistocene climatic evolution in this part of Europe, as well as human dispersal from Africa to Europe via the so-called Danubian migration corridor. The aim of this...
Preuzmite dokument 2023 Nemanja Tomić , Milica G. Radaković , Rastko Marković , Aleksandar Antić , Velibor Spalevic , Miloš Marjanović , Zoran M. Perić , Milica Kostadinović , Slobodan B. Marković , Oliver Momčilović
Soil Erosion Assessment Using the Intensity of Erosion and Outflow Model by Estimating Sediment Yield: Case Study in River Basins with Different Characteristics from Cluj County, Romania
As the fertile topsoil is constantly washed away and agricultural production is decreased, soil erosion is a serious environmental issue that affects the entire planet. All river basins experience changes in land use that affect sediment dynamics, soil erodibility, and hydrologic response. The main reason for the faster erosion rates is frequently attributed to those alterations. In the current study, the Intensity of Erosion and Outflow (IntErO) model was used to estimate the sediment yield and...
Preuzmite dokument 2023 Lucian Octavian Dragomir , Tudor Salagean , Sorin M. Cîmpeanu , Sevastel Mircea , Teodor Rusu , Rastko Marković , Velibor Spalevic , Razvan Teodorescu , Paul Sestras , Ștefan Bilașco , Sanda Roșca ... Pogledajte sve
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