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An Index for Snowmelt-Induced Landslide Prediction for Zavoj Lake, Serbia
In February 1963, a huge landslide (ca. 1,950,000 m3) blocked the Visočica River and, thus, formed Zavoj Lake. The primary objective of this research was to investigate the importance of snowmelt in relation to landslide occurrence and to define the critical climatic conditions that may trigger massive winter landslides. We used monthly precipitation and average monthly maximum temperature data from meteorological and precipitation stations in the Visočica River basin (Dojkinci) and in the immediate...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Manfred Mudelsee , Milica G. Radaković , Randall J. Schaetzl , Rastko Marković , Aleksandar Antić , Velibor Spalevic , Miloš Marjanović , Jugoslav Nikolić , Biljana Basarin , Slobodan B. Marković , Aleksandar R. Radivojević , Tin Lukić ... Pogledajte sve
Sustainable Earthquake Preparedness: A Cross-Cultural Comparative Analysis in Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia
Authorities and governmental bodies strongly emphasize the importance of residents preparing for natural disasters, particularly underscoring the significance of readiness for geophysical hazards like earthquakes. In this study, which represents comparative quantitative research, the levels and predictors of the impact on preparedness for earthquake-induced disasters in South-Eastern European countries such as Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia are examined. Using the snowball sampling technique...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Goran Grozdanić , Vladimir M. Cvetković , Aleksandar Ivanov , Tin Lukić
Modelling Water Erosion and Mass Movements (Wet) by Using GIS-Based Multi-Hazard Susceptibility Assessment Approaches: A Case Study—Kratovska Reka Catchment (North Macedonia)
Kratovska Reka is a short (17.3 km) left tributary of Kriva Reka, whose watershed (68.5 km2) is located on the northwestern slopes of the Osogovo Mountains (North Macedonia). Due to the favorable natural conditions and anthropogenic factors, the Kratovska Reka catchment is under a high risk of natural hazards, especially water erosion and landslide occurrences. For this reason, the paper presents an approach of modelling of potential erosion and areas susceptible to the above-mentioned hydro-meteorological...
Preuzmite dokument 2023 Velibor Spalevic , Slobodan B. Marković , Tin Lukić , Ivica Milevski , Bojana Aleksova
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