A digital platform is aimed at making specific innovations and technological solutions, produced by the academic and research community, more accessible to private companies. It is a service for automatically downloading, synchronizing, sorting and displaying information from large scientific platforms such as Academia.edu, Google Scholar, or Researchers Gate to the platform EmpowerHR4Inno. Platform initially focus on priority sectors, food, health tourism, horizontal IT priority and nationally produced solutions with a tendency for further development. The following information can be found:
  • Course library with sub-content WoS published, results, other solutions, and digital tools and HR models;
  • Set of features that allow sending newsletters to users who sign up as interested in a particular group of news feeds.
Povijest nastanka i očuvanja Vrata od Krča u Turopoljskom lugu
Šume su bile važan resurs na kojem se temeljio gospodarski razvoj Turopolja sve do sredine 20. stoljeća. O gospodarenju i korištenju šumskog bogatstva postoje zapisnici od najranijeg vremena. Najstariji zapis o organiziranom krčenju šumskih površina većeg opsega u Turopolju potječe iz druge polovine 18. stoljeća. Nakon završetka krčenja, u znak sjećanja na ovaj iznimni poduhvat Turopoljci su podigli drveni spomenik Vrata od krča u Turopoljskom lugu. Početkom 20. stoljeća izvorna drvena arhitektura...
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