A digital platform is aimed at making specific innovations and technological solutions, produced by the academic and research community, more accessible to private companies. It is a service for automatically downloading, synchronizing, sorting and displaying information from large scientific platforms such as Academia.edu, Google Scholar, or Researchers Gate to the platform EmpowerHR4Inno. Platform initially focus on priority sectors, food, health tourism, horizontal IT priority and nationally produced solutions with a tendency for further development. The following information can be found:
  • Course library with sub-content WoS published, results, other solutions, and digital tools and HR models;
  • Set of features that allow sending newsletters to users who sign up as interested in a particular group of news feeds.
New Technologies, Development and Application 4, 219-226, 2019
Cyber Security Capacity Building Planning Within Organisations
Download 2019 Ivana Ognjanovic
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 262, 176-179, 2019
The National Star Model of Medical Informatics Education in Montenegro
Download 2019 Ivana Ognjanovic
International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communication, 272-285, 2019
On the Hardware Implementation Performance, of Face Recognition Techniques, for Digital Forensics
Download 2019 Ivana Ognjanovic
'Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries'
Pregled puževa golaća u Bokokotorskom zaljevu, Crna Gora
Heterobranch molluscs fauna in Montenegro has been poorly investigated so far. The aim of the present paper is to improve the knowledge about species diversity of these marine organisms in the Boka Kotorska Bay, a specific fjord-like entity in the southern Adriatic Sea. New records of seven heterobranch species were obtained by field surveys in 2017, while three new records were provided by analysing underwater photographs from previous periods. The resulted checklist summarizes the knowledge of...
Download English 2019 CORE Martina Orlando-Bonaca , Milica Jovanović , Domen Trkov , Lovrenc Lipej , Vesna Mačić
'National Library of Serbia'
Specifičnosti klime Danilovgrada (Crna Gora)
Danilovgrad and the Bjelopavlića Plain belong to the submediterranean zone of the Mediterranean climate region. The aim of this paper was to determine some specific characteristics of the Danilovgrad climate, such as the degree of continentality, aridity and bioclimatic characteristics. Data used in the research cover the period 1955-2011. The results of the study showed the dominance of the continental effect on temperature, while oceanicity was less pronounced. In hygric terms, during most of...
Download English 2019 CORE Burić, Dragan , Milenković, Milan , Ducić, Vladan
Slavistično društvo Slovenije
Jezična akomodacija na Twitteru: Primjer Srbije
U ovom radu istražujemo fenomen jezične akomodacije kod srpskih korisnika Twittera analizirajući geokodirane poruke objavljene u razdoblju između 2013. i 2016. godine na području Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Hrvatske i Srbije. Jezičnu produkciju korisnika Twittera opi- sujemo s pomoću 16 varijabli za koje je poznato da variraju među govornicima policentričnog makrojezika BCHS. Uspoređujemo jezičnu produkciju mobilnih srpskih korisnika Twittera s produkcijom nemobilnih srpskih korisnika, kao i...
Download 2019 CORE Tanja Samardžić , Nikola Ljubešić , Maja Miličević Petrović
Association of History Students "Toma Arhiđakon" - ISHA Split
U nacionalnim književnostima obično se iskristalizira neko djelo koje dobije status u mnogome drugačiji od običnog književnog djela. Ta se djela istaknu i postanu nacionalni simbol jednak zastavi, grbu ili državnoj himni. U Crnoj Gori taj će značaj i položaj dobiti „Gorski vijenac“ Petra II. Petrovića Njegoša. Zadatak je ovog rada prikazati kako se „Gorski vijenac“ odnosi prema „drugom“, kako ga definira i što glavni likovi u djelu misle o „drugom“ i kako se prema tome „drugom“ treba odnositi....
Download Croatian 2019 CORE Fadil Hadžiabdić
'National Library of Serbia'
Yield and content of nutrient elements in various cultivars of lettuce depending from production method
In order to examine the influence of cultivars and to estimate how mulching and plant covering with agrotextile affects the content of P, Ca, K, Mg and Mn in lettuce leaves this three-year experiment has been established. In the experiment, black and white plastic foil were used for mulching prior to planting, and agrotextile for plant covering after planting. The effect of each of them as well as their combination on the content of nutrients and yield of lettuce leaves was examined. There were...
Download English 2019 CORE Pržulj, Novo , Mirosavljević, Milan , Tosić, Ivana , Stosić, Miro
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