A digital platform is aimed at making specific innovations and technological solutions, produced by the academic and research community, more accessible to private companies. It is a service for automatically downloading, synchronizing, sorting and displaying information from large scientific platforms such as Academia.edu, Google Scholar, or Researchers Gate to the platform EmpowerHR4Inno. Platform initially focus on priority sectors, food, health tourism, horizontal IT priority and nationally produced solutions with a tendency for further development. The following information can be found:
  • Course library with sub-content WoS published, results, other solutions, and digital tools and HR models;
  • Set of features that allow sending newsletters to users who sign up as interested in a particular group of news feeds.
Mediterranean Natural Sciences and Engineering Congress MENSEC2017 …, 2017
Towards an IoT Solution for Anti-Counterfeiting Protection in Wine Industry
Download 2017 Tomo Popovic
22th International Scientific/Professional Information Technology Conference …, 2017
Cloud Based Solution for Automatic Image Mosaicking and Georeferencing
Download 2017 Tomo Popovic
IEEE Tranasaction on Smart Grid 8 (6), 3117-3124, 2017
Voltage Stability Prediction Using Active Machine Learning
Download 2017 Tomo Popovic
'National Library of Serbia'
Contacts between Duklja/Zeta and the Apennine Peninsula in the Middle Ages as a Topic in Montenegrin Periodicals in 1835–1941
This paper shows that continuity of connections between Duklja/Zeta and the Apennine Peninsula during the middle ages, which were manifested both in the political and in the cultural sphere, attracted attention as a topic in the periodical press issued in the territory of present-day Montenegro from 1835 to 1941. The paper offers a systematized overview of such, for the most part descriptive, texts on political and cultural links between what now are Montenegro and Italy in the middle ages
Download English 2017 CORE Jovović, Vasilj
Contribution to knowledge of the flora of the Republic of Macedonia
This paper presents some of the results of a floristic study conducted during the past two years in different regions of Macedonia. New chorological data and data on their habitats are given for 12 taxa of the vascular flora of Macedonia, among which one species (Seseli annuum) is new for the country. Three species (Lathyrus linifolius, Lactuca plumieri, Serratula tinctoria) are rediscovered for the first time after eight or even more decades, and the presence of one species (Staehelina uniflosculosa)...
Download English 2017 CORE Teofilovski Aco
'Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb'
Crna Gora: "Izgubljena" u problemu državnosti
Almost 20 years since the fall of the semi-authoritarian regime, Montenegro is still regarded as a defective and not as a consolidated democracy. This article puts forward one key determinant for the slow process of democratic consolidation in Montenegro – the unresolved statehood problem. It thereby does not focus on the functional state, but instead uses the classical definition of statehood with three dimensions: state power, state territory, and the people. The article seeks to contribute to...
Download 2017 CORE Filip Milačić
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Forestry. Department of Forest Ecology and Silviculture.
The nursery germination and morphological properties of two years old seedlings (2 + 0), wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) with different ways of seed pretreatment
U diplomskom radu ispitivat će se rasadnička klijavost sjemena divlje trešnje (Prunus avium L.) s deset načina predsjetvene pripreme sjemena. Tijekom vegetacije pratit će se rast i prirast sadnica. Tijekom prve dvije vegetacije izmjerit će se vaţnije morfološke značajke sadnica (visina, promjer vrata korijena, broj listova). Na osnovu postotaka rasadničke klijavosti i morfoloških značajki preporučit će se najbolji način predsjetvene pripreme sjemena
Download 2017 CORE Srša, Sara
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Forestry. Department of Forest Genetics, Dendrology and Botany.
Taxonomic status, distribution and morphological characteristics autochthonous species OFGENUS GENISTA L.( FABACEAE) in Croatia
U ovom završnom radu ću opisati taksonomski status, rasprostranjenost i morfološke značajke autohtonih vrsta roda Genista L. (Fabaceae) u Hrvatskoj. Rod Genista obuhvaća više od 100 vrsta i podvrsta, a ovdje će se obraditi autohtone šumske vrste - Genista tinctoria L., G.sylvestris Scop., G. sericea Wulfen, G. radiata (L.), G. pilosa L., G. germanica L. i G. januensis Viv
Download 2017 CORE Biondić, Boris
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