A digital platform is aimed at making specific innovations and technological solutions, produced by the academic and research community, more accessible to private companies. It is a service for automatically downloading, synchronizing, sorting and displaying information from large scientific platforms such as Academia.edu, Google Scholar, or Researchers Gate to the platform EmpowerHR4Inno. Platform initially focus on priority sectors, food, health tourism, horizontal IT priority and nationally produced solutions with a tendency for further development. The following information can be found:
  • Course library with sub-content WoS published, results, other solutions, and digital tools and HR models;
  • Set of features that allow sending newsletters to users who sign up as interested in a particular group of news feeds.
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Kinesiology.
Aerobic training in sports and animation programs in tourism
Međusobna povezanost sporta i turizma, kao dvaju fenomena današnjice, predstavlja prostorni okvir za stalno unaprjeđivanje i pronalaženje novih mogućnosti uzajamnog djelovanja. Glavni cilj ovog rada je prikazati specifičnosti turističke ponude u okviru sportske rekreacije i animacije. Iznesene su osnove međuovisnosti turizma i sporta što je od izrazite važnosti za daljnje razumijevanje sastavnica turističke animacije. Zaključno su izneseni parametri utjecaja aerobnih treninga na organizam.The interrelationship...
Download 2017 CORE Bačić, Matija
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Kinesiology.
Aerobic training in sports and animation programs in tourism
Međusobna povezanost sporta i turizma, kao dvaju fenomena današnjice, predstavlja prostorni okvir za stalno unaprjeđivanje i pronalaženje novih mogućnosti uzajamnog djelovanja. Glavni cilj ovog rada je prikazati specifičnosti turističke ponude u okviru sportske rekreacije i animacije. Iznesene su osnove međuovisnosti turizma i sporta što je od izrazite važnosti za daljnje razumijevanje sastavnica turističke animacije. Zaključno su izneseni parametri utjecaja aerobnih treninga na organizam.The interrelationship...
Download 2017 CORE Bačić, Matija
'Croatian Communication Association'
The paper analyzes the problem of the mismatch between the education system and the labour market. The aim of the research is an analysis of the current situation on the labour market, a consideration of key constraints in the education system and identifying possible solutions. The problem analysis covers a broader context: a change in the economic structure, the problem of migration and regional disparities, the specificities of the labour market and the results of the reform of the education...
Download English 2017 CORE Milorad Jovović , Jovan Đurašković , Milivoje Radović
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering. Department of Geology and Geological Engineering.
Identification of impact of river dam near powerplant Zagreb on surrounding groundwater level : master's thesis
U ovom radu identificiran je utjecaj praga TE – TO na podzemne vode neposrednog zaobalja. Analizirani su podaci iz razdoblja od 1. siječnja 1994. do 31. prosinca 2000. godine. Za utvrđivanje veze korištene su statističke metode korelacije, regresije i kroskorelacije. Obrada podataka izvršena je u programu Microsoft Excel, korištenjem funkcije za korelaciju, primjenom odabranih regresijskih modela te namjenskog VBA programa za kroskorelaciju. Metodom korelacije dobiveni su koeficijenti koji ukazuju...
Download 2017 CORE Al Ahmed, Filip
'Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts'
The isogloss of the progressive shift of the Slavic old circumflex isogloss in the Croatian language region
U radu će se prikazati karte s punktovima hrvatskoga jezika u kojima je proveden progresivni pomak starih praslavenskih cirkumfleksa. Na kartama su integrirani dosad razmjerno nepovezani podatci iz literature s građom iz novijih terenskih istraživanja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako je progresivni pomak starih praslavenskih cirkumfleksa jedna od bitnih karakteristika zapada hrvatskoga jezika.About forty Croatian local dialects have the progressive shift of the Slavic old circumflexes from...
Download Croatian 2017 CORE Mira Menac-Mihalić , Anita Celinić
The State of Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness in Montenegro
European business sector pays an ever more increasing attention to competences such as sense of initiative and entrepreneurship but Western Balkan countries as transition countries from state regulated towards market economy, have a high level of resistance to private initiatives and entrepreneurship. The Erasmus REBUS project aims at developing, testing, validating and mainstreaming holistic and needs driven open learning modules to promote entrepreneurship competences of ICT and engineering graduates...
Download English 2017 CORE Sanja Peković , Jelena Jovanović , Zdravko Krivokapić , Aleksandar Vujović
'Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology - University of Zagreb'
Uporaba lokalnih sojeva bakterije Lactococcus lactis kao starter kultura u proizvodnji tradicionalnih crnogorskih sireva
The aim of this study is to characterise and examine the biochemical properties of 40 Lactococcus lactis strains isolated from indigenous Montenegrin dairy products in order to explore their potential to be used as starter cultures for producing typical Montenegrin cheese, such as ‘bijeli sir’, ‘masni sir’ and ‘njeguški sir’. Their safety regarding the production of biogenic amines, the presence of antimicrobial resistance and the antibacterial activity against relevant pathogens and spoilage microorganisms...
Download English 2017 CORE Aleksandra Martinovic , Sigrid Mayrhofer , Katharina Dürr , Konrad J. Domig , Mirjana Bojanic Rasovic
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Science. Department of Geology.
Sedimentology and paleoecology of pliocene Viviparus beds from the area of Vukomeričke gorice
Klastični sedimenti poznati kao Viviparus slojevi predstavljaju posljednju fazu jezerske sedimentacije u južnom dijelu PBS-a. Stratigrafski pripadaju pliocenu, a taloženi su unutar kata cernik u vremenskom rasponu od 4,5 – 2 milijuna godina. Na prostoru Vukomeričkih gorica, gdje su površinski najrasprostranjeniji, dokazano je taloženje donjih i gornjih Viviparus slojeva. Analizom facijesa i fosilnog sadržaja utvrđeno je da se njihovo taloženje odvijalo u plitkom slatkovodnom jezerskom i aluvijalnom...
Download 2017 CORE Kurečić, Tomislav
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