A digital platform is aimed at making specific innovations and technological solutions, produced by the academic and research community, more accessible to private companies. It is a service for automatically downloading, synchronizing, sorting and displaying information from large scientific platforms such as Academia.edu, Google Scholar, or Researchers Gate to the platform EmpowerHR4Inno. Platform initially focus on priority sectors, food, health tourism, horizontal IT priority and nationally produced solutions with a tendency for further development. The following information can be found:
  • Course library with sub-content WoS published, results, other solutions, and digital tools and HR models;
  • Set of features that allow sending newsletters to users who sign up as interested in a particular group of news feeds.
Faculty of Philology - University of Montenegro
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, a German-language writer, was a great star of French literary life. The famous Revue des deux mondes devoted considerable space to him by publishing ten short stories entitled Slavic Women (Femmes slaves) in the period from 1889 to 1891. Sacher-Masoch emphasized that French was hissecond mother tongue, and some sourcesindicate that he wrote and published his texts directly in French. We propose to analyze Zarka the Dalmatian from the short story of the same name and Melitza...
Download 2023 Jasmina Tatar Anđelić
Faculty of Philology - University of Montenegro
U saradnji Evropskog Vergelend centra i Filološkog fakulteta Univerziteta Crne Gore, krajem 2022. godine, izdata je publikacija pod nazivom Medijska pismenost, nastala tokom realizacije istoimenog modula, koji je za studente studijskih programa Crnogorski jezik i južnoslovenske književnosti i Srpski jezik i južnoslovenske književnosti organizovala prof. dr Dušanka Popović. Ona se, takođe, potpisuje kao urednica objavljenog izdanja, te nas u tom svojstvu, u predgovoru sa naslovom O publikaciji, informiše...
Download 2023 Sonja Nenezić
John Benjamins Publishing Company
How should metaphors be rendered in audiovisual translation?
Although metaphors are one of the most challenging problems in translation, their treatment is still understudied under the specific constraints of audiovisual translation. The research is especially scarce regarding empirical reception studies as most research is product or process but not user-oriented. The main questions that the present study aims to answer are what are the general preferences and expectations of viewers regarding the translation strategies used for rendering metaphors in subtitling...
Download 2023 Petar Božović
Montenegrin Stock Exchange Market on a Short-Term Perspective
The objective of this study is to analyse the constitution of the emerging Montenegrin stock exchange. Four methodological time-series econometric steps are involved: the augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test, run test, autocorrelation function (ACF) test, and Hurst test. The study utilises a daily data vector from 5 January 2004 to 20 June 2023, with a specific focus on the period encompassing the growth and peak of market stocks in 2007, followed by the significant 2008 financial crisis and subsequent...
Download 2023 Štefan Bojnec , Tamara Backovic , Sergej Gričar , Vesna Karadzic
Scientific Societies
Increased Diversity of Citrus Tristeza Virus in Europe
This study investigated the genetic diversity of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates from Montenegro and Croatia, European countries with the northernmost citrus growing regions situated on the Eastern Adriatic coast. Fifteen complete or nearly complete CTV genomes were reconstructed from high-throughput sequencing of samples collected in distinct municipalities in Montenegro and Opuzen municipality in Croatia. Phylogenetic analyses assigned some of the sequences to VT and T30 strains, previously...
Download 2023 Ana Vučurović , Dijana Škorić , Miroslav Čizmović , Paolo Margaria , Jelena Zindović
Modelling of Wildfire Susceptibility in Different Climate Zones in Montenegro Using GIS-MCDA
Montenegro has different influences on the weather and climate; in general, according to Köppen’s classification, there are two climate zones: warm temperate (C) and cold temperate (D). The aim of this study is to determine the susceptibility to wildfires in the Montenegrin coastal municipality of Budva and the northern municipality of Rožaje, which are located in different climatic conditions, using multicriteria GIS decision analysis (GIS-MCDA). Nine natural and anthropogenic criteria were used...
Download 2023 Jelena Golijanin , Gojko Nikolić , Aleksandar Valjarević , Ante Šiljeg , Filip Vujović
Interpretation of Latent Codes in InfoGAN with SAR Images
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) can synthesize abundant photo-realistic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. Some modified GANs (e.g., InfoGAN) are even able to edit specific properties of the synthesized images by introducing latent codes. It is crucial for SAR image synthesis since the targets in real SAR images have different properties due to the imaging mechanism. Despite the success of the InfoGAN in manipulating properties, there still lacks a clear explanation of how these latent...
Download 2023 Xianda Zhou , Mingzhe Zhu , Xiyang Cui , Ljubisa Stankovic , Miloš Daković , Zhenpeng Feng , Hongbing Ji
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