A digital platform is aimed at making specific innovations and technological solutions, produced by the academic and research community, more accessible to private companies. It is a service for automatically downloading, synchronizing, sorting and displaying information from large scientific platforms such as Academia.edu, Google Scholar, or Researchers Gate to the platform EmpowerHR4Inno. Platform initially focus on priority sectors, food, health tourism, horizontal IT priority and nationally produced solutions with a tendency for further development. The following information can be found:
  • Course library with sub-content WoS published, results, other solutions, and digital tools and HR models;
  • Set of features that allow sending newsletters to users who sign up as interested in a particular group of news feeds.
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Forestry. Department of Forest Ecology and Silviculture.
Gospodarenje otpadom čini skup aktivnosti koje se odnose na sprječavanje nastanka otpada, smanjivanje količina otpada i/ili njegovih štetnih utjecaja na okoliš, skupljanje, prijevoz, oporabu, te nadzor nad tim aktivnostima. Sustav gospodarenja otpadom u Hrvatskoj organizira se kao integralna cjelina svih dionika u sustavu na nacionalnoj, regionalnoj i lokalnoj razini. Provedbom aktivnosti utvrđenih „Planom gospodarenja otpadom“, sustav se uspostavlja u svakoj županiji. Zagrebačka županija je regionalna...
Download 2016 CORE Meštrović, Silvija
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. Division of Transport. Department of Road Transport.
Transport Processes Efficiency Analysis of Samoborček EU grupa d.o.o.
Rad ne sadrži sažetak
Download 2016 CORE Filipović, Luka
London School of Economics and Political Science
Experts react: EU Enlargement and EU progress reports 2016
What does the future hold for EU Enlargement? Our contributors reflect on this year’s European Commission reports on the progress achieved by EU candidate and potential candidate countries, framing it within the wider political and economic context of each country. (If you are interested in how this compares to last year’s reports, the 2015 expert reactions are available here). Eli Gateva on Macedonia: The Commission abandoned its diplomatic tone and delivered a damning diagnosis Esra Özyürek on...
Download 2016 CORE Mujanović, Jasmin , Hoxhaj, Andi , Prelec, Tena , Gashi, Krenar , Marković, Petar , Ozyurek, Esra , Gateva, Eli
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Forestry. Department of Forest Ecology and Silviculture.
Gospodarenje otpadom čini skup aktivnosti koje se odnose na sprječavanje nastanka otpada, smanjivanje količina otpada i/ili njegovih štetnih utjecaja na okoliš, skupljanje, prijevoz, oporabu, te nadzor nad tim aktivnostima. Sustav gospodarenja otpadom u Hrvatskoj organizira se kao integralna cjelina svih dionika u sustavu na nacionalnoj, regionalnoj i lokalnoj razini. Provedbom aktivnosti utvrđenih „Planom gospodarenja otpadom“, sustav se uspostavlja u svakoj županiji. Zagrebačka županija je regionalna...
Download 2016 CORE Meštrović, Silvija
The Structure, Properties and Opinions of Visitors to Šoderica in 2015
Šoderica, jezersko rekreacijsko odredište u okolici Koprivnice, te struktura, obilježja i stavovi njezinih posjetitelja, glavni su predmet istraživanja ovog rada. S ciljem davanja doprinosa što kvalitetnijem usmjeravanju budućeg razvoja Šoderice, provedeno je istraživanje kako bi se utvrdila socio-demografska struktura posjetitelja Šoderice, njihovi motivi dolaska te vrste aktivnosti kojima se bave, prostorno-vremenska obilježja njihovih rekreacijskih kretanja, kao i stavovi posjetitelja o rekreacijskoj...
Download Croatian 2016 CORE Petar Fijačko
'Akademiai Kiado Zrt.'
Neka zapažanja o etnojezičkoj situaciji u dvojezičnim makedonsko-albanskim selima u regionu Prespa: fenomen Arvati
This paper provides an analysis of the language situation in the villages of the multi-ethnic Prespa region (Republic of Macedonia): Krani and Arvati. The language situation in these villages appears to be especially noteworthy in juxtaposition with the general language situations in Republic of Macedonia. Interestingly, the local bilingualism has no religion restrictions, so Orthodox Macedonians master Albanian language, which is unusual for other Macedonian regions. The most significant features...
Download 2016 CORE Makarova, A. L.
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. Faculty of Agrobiotechical Sciences Osijek. DEPARTMENT FOR AGROECONOMICS.
Posljednjih godina, u većini europskih i svjetskih država, upravljanje kvalitetom postaje svojevrsni novi segment menadžmenta i najvažniji činitelj tržišne opstojnosti te rasta i razvoja poslovnog subjekta. U cilju utvrđivanja značajki učinkovitog sustava upravljanja kvalitetom u poljoprivrednim subjektima, te njihovog utjecaja na financijsku, ekonomsku i poslovnu uspješnost te konkurentnost poljoprivrednog subjekta, provedeno je primarno istraživanje na uzorku od 248 ispitanika, reprezentanata...
Download 2016 CORE Kristić, Jelena
Çroatian Accountant - Independent Association of Accountants, Tax Advisors and Finance professionals
That the company knew what the price of production some product or service, it is necessary to apply adequate method of calculating the cost price. Accordingly, the method of calculating the cost price, and it covers the cost, will affect the accuracy of the information provided and terefore the decisions that are made based on it. This paper assumes that the method of calculating the cost price incurred and develop under the influence of current business conditions. This will show when incurred...
Download English 2016 CORE Jadranka Glomazić
London School of Economics and Political Science
Montenegro’s decade of independence: tracing a state back to its origins
May 2016 marked ten years since Montenegro achieved its independence from Serbia, the final act in the demise of Yugoslavia. Petar Marković traces the country’s short history and analyses the celebrations from a political theory perspective. His analysis highlights that, in spite of projecting an image of multi-ethnic cohesion and political stability, problems affecting Montenegro’s economy and society remain considerable and deeply rooted
Download 2016 CORE Marković, Petar
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. Division of Transport. Department of Road Transport.
Analysis with Improvement Proposals of Road Network in the Area of City of Zaprešić
Zakonska regulativa sadržana je u sedam zakona i pravilnika koji opisuju javne ceste, sigurnost prometa, gradnju, prostorno uređenje, održavanje te opremu i signalizaciju. Prostorni planovi Zagrebačke županije i grada Zaprešića sadrže osnovne informacije o njima te popise prometnica. Nakon toga slijedi prijedlog izgradnje nove prometnice sa tehničkim izvješćem i izračunom HCM-a te prijedlozi rekonstrukcija postojećih prometnica na podrućju općine Zaprešić koje bi trebale osigurati siguran i učinkovit...
Download 2016 CORE Kink, Nino
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