A digital platform is aimed at making specific innovations and technological solutions, produced by the academic and research community, more accessible to private companies. It is a service for automatically downloading, synchronizing, sorting and displaying information from large scientific platforms such as Academia.edu, Google Scholar, or Researchers Gate to the platform EmpowerHR4Inno. Platform initially focus on priority sectors, food, health tourism, horizontal IT priority and nationally produced solutions with a tendency for further development. The following information can be found:
  • Course library with sub-content WoS published, results, other solutions, and digital tools and HR models;
  • Set of features that allow sending newsletters to users who sign up as interested in a particular group of news feeds.
'Europska poslovna skola Zagreb / European Business School Zagreb'
Program "Mladi poduzetnici" Crna Gora
“Young Entrepreneurs” Programme In Montenegro has been intended for all students and teachers of secondary vocational and mixed schools who study Entrepreneurship subject. The Programme is created as a result of the analysis of European best practice and as such, it represents a novelty in Montenegro comparing to the existing manner of learning, i.e. it represents active participation of both students and teachers along with the involvement of entrepreneurs in teaching process. The Program was developed...
Download Serbian 2013 CORE Sandra Brkanović , Ljubiša Pejović , Srdjan Obradović
'Croatian Conservation Institute'
An Ancient Building Complex at the Sipćina Site in Okešinec
Antički lokalitet Sipćina u selu Okešincu, poznat je još od 1960-ih godina, kad su provedena i prva arheološka istraživanja. Pronađeni nalazi datirani su u 1. i 2. st., a lokalitet je povezan s boravkom rimske vojske na tim prostorima. Istraživanja su nastavljena 2012. godine, kad su otkrivena dva horizonta naseljavanja. Stariji možemo datirati u 1. i 2. st., a pripisano mu je nekoliko jama i kanala te ostaci drvenog nadzemnog objekta. Mlađem horizontu, datiranom u 3. i 4. st., pripadaju dva objekta....
Download Croatian 2013 CORE Lea Čataj
'Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb'
Siniša Malešević: Sociologija rata i nasilja
Download Croatian 2013 CORE Stefan Lakušić
Faculty of architecture, University of Zagreb
Hotel Co-op in Ulcinj by Architects Hinko Bauer and Marijan Haberle
Na temelju istraživanja arhivske građe i dokumentacijskih izvora u članku je predstavljen hotel Ko-op u Ulcinju arhitekata Hinka Bauera i Marijana Haberlea, otvoren 1939. godine. Ovaj izuzetni primjer hrvatske moderne zauzima osobito mjesto u arhitekturi međuratnog razdoblja u Crnoj Gori, a ujedno je to i prvi moderni hotel na crnogorskom primorju. Hotel je temeljito obnovljen nakon potresa 1979. i srušen 2007. godine.Based on the research of archival sources and other documents, the paper presents...
Download Croatian 2013 CORE Ljiljana Blagojević , Borislav Vukičević
'Croatian Anthropological Society'
Measuring of Corneal Thickness of Contact Lens Wearers with Keratoconus and Keratoplasty by Means of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
To measure the corneal thickness and the depth of the precorneal tear film of contact lens wearers with keratoconus or keratoplasty and to reconfirm the identification and classification of the keratoconus with optical coherence tomography (OCT). The cornea and precorneal tear film of 123 eyes with keratoconus, of 39 eyes after keratoplasty and 8 eyes after LASIK were examined with an OCT (Zeiss VisanteTM) and a keratograph (Oculus). Visual acuity was determined. The mean age of all patients was...
Download English 2013 CORE Klaus Miller , Gustav Pöltner , Andreas Berke , Wonfgang Sickenberger
'Croatian Anthropological Society'
Measuring of Corneal Thickness of Contact Lens Wearers with Keratoconus and Keratoplasty by Means of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
To measure the corneal thickness and the depth of the precorneal tear film of contact lens wearers with keratoconus or keratoplasty and to reconfirm the identification and classification of the keratoconus with optical coherence tomography (OCT). The cornea and precorneal tear film of 123 eyes with keratoconus, of 39 eyes after keratoplasty and 8 eyes after LASIK were examined with an OCT (Zeiss VisanteTM) and a keratograph (Oculus). Visual acuity was determined. The mean age of all patients was...
Download English 2013 CORE Klaus Miller , Gustav Pöltner , Andreas Berke , Wonfgang Sickenberger
Institute of arhaeology
Fibulae of the Jezerine-type from southeastern Pannonia
Fibule tipa Jezerine predstavljale su jedan od najomiljenijih oblika nošnje sa samog kraja latenske kulture, odnosno stupnja LT D2. Zabilježene su na širem europskom prostoru, od zapadnog dijela mediteranskog bazena preko kontinentalne Europe sve do Baltika, a brojnija skupina potječe s prostora istočne Slavonije, Srijema i sjeverne Srbije, koji je u mlađem željeznom dobu naseljavala politička zajednica poznata iz antičkih literarnih izvora pod nazivom Skordisci. Veći dio ovih fibula pripada tipu...
Download 2013 CORE Ivan Drnić
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