A digital platform is aimed at making specific innovations and technological solutions, produced by the academic and research community, more accessible to private companies. It is a service for automatically downloading, synchronizing, sorting and displaying information from large scientific platforms such as Academia.edu, Google Scholar, or Researchers Gate to the platform EmpowerHR4Inno. Platform initially focus on priority sectors, food, health tourism, horizontal IT priority and nationally produced solutions with a tendency for further development. The following information can be found:
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2007 60th Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, 505-510, 2007
Integration of substation data
Download 2007 Tomo Popovic
2007 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 1-6, 2007
Substation data integration for automated data analysis systems
Download 2007 Tomo Popovic
Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade
Neomeris mokragorensis sp. Nov. (Calcareous alga, Dasycladales) from the cretaceous of Serbia, Montenegro and the Northern calcareous Alps, (Gosau group, Austria)
The new species of the genus Neomeris - Neomeris mokragorensis sp. nov. described in this paper from western Serbia originates: from the Albian of Mokra Gora (the succession transgrading on the serpentinite) and from the Turonian of the Skrapež-Kosjerić area (the succession transgrading on the Carboniferous). The presence of this species has been noted in the Turonian of the Kukes and in the Santonian of the Metohija Cretaceous Unit (Mirdita Zone). In the surrounding of Podgorica (Dinaric Carbonate...
Download 2007 CORE Radoičić Rajka , Schlagintweit Felix
Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering University of Zagreb
In the NE Montenegro, in the area Mt. Javorje and in the surrounding of the towns Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac, Ivangrad (Berane), Murino, Plav and Konjusi (Konjuhe) there are numerous small ore occurrences of pyrite and subordinately pyrrhotite with few per cent of Cu-, Zn- and Pb-sulphide in the small quantity of quartz and carbonate gangue minerals in Upper Paleozoic deposits. Different opinions considering the age of this ore occurrences exist in the literature of Montenegro: Upper Paleozoic or Middle...
Download English 2007 CORE Ivan Jurković
Characterization of Barium Titanate Ceramics by Impedance Spectroscopy
Poster presented at the 9th Conference of the Yugoslav Materials Research Society - YUCOMAT 2007, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, 10-14. septembar 2007
Download 2007 CORE Jovalekić, Čedomir , Marković, Smilja , Uskoković, Dragan , Mentus, Slavko
PDLLA Microparticles Containing BSA: Effect of Formulation Variables on Size Distribution
Poster presented at the 9th Conference of the Yugoslav Materials Research Society - YUCOMAT 2007, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, September 10-14, 2007
Download 2007 CORE Uskoković, Dragan , Vujčić, Zoran , Ignjatović, Nenad , Petković, Marijana , Jovanović, Ivana , Jordović, Branka
Sonochemical Preparation of Hydroxyapatite/Poly (lactide-co-glycolyde) Composite
Poster presented at the 9th Conference of the Yugoslav Materials Research Society - YUCOMAT 2007, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, September 10-14, 2007
Download English 2007 CORE Jevtić, Marija , Uskoković, Dragan , Ignjatović, Nenad , Mitrić, Miodrag
Croatian Forestry Society
Harvest and Mortality of the Brown Bear in Gorski Kotar
Rad predstavlja analizu odstrjela i otpada smeđeg medvjeda na području Gorskog kotara od 1997/98. g. do 2002/03. g. Odstrjel i otpad smeđeg medvjeda analiziran je unutar prostora istraživanja (Gorski kotar), čija površina iznosi 144252 ha. Prosječno godišnje izlučenje od 1997/98. g. do 2002/03. g. iznosi 27,84 grla; 18,17 grla mužjaka i 9,67 grla ženki. Prosječno izlučenje/1000 ha je 0,21 grla. Od toga je 0,14 grla/1000 ha mužjaka i 0,07 grla/1000 ha ženki. Omjer spolova je 67:33 u korist mužjaka....
Download Croatian 2007 CORE Dario Majnarić
Ocjena rizika nije upravljanje rizikom
Osnovni problem poslovnog rizika se najčešće sužava na ocjenu rizika. U gorem slučaju na pokušaj mjerenja rizika. Smatramo da je mjerenje nemoguće, a ocjena je jednostavna, što i ilustriramo jednim primjerom poslovne banke. U tom primjeru, pomoću DoctuS sistema baziranog na znanju, koristimo 600 logičkih pravila za ocjenu rizika davanja kredita. Rješenje upravljanja rizikom nije u izboru kriterija i njihovom mjerenju, već u "ako...onda" logičkim pravilima. To je jednostavno i korisno rješenje, no...
Download Croatian 2007 CORE Velencei, Jolán , Baracskai, Zoltán , Dörfler, Viktor
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