A digital platform is aimed at making specific innovations and technological solutions, produced by the academic and research community, more accessible to private companies. It is a service for automatically downloading, synchronizing, sorting and displaying information from large scientific platforms such as Academia.edu, Google Scholar, or Researchers Gate to the platform EmpowerHR4Inno. Platform initially focus on priority sectors, food, health tourism, horizontal IT priority and nationally produced solutions with a tendency for further development. The following information can be found:
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Institute of arhaeology
The lately published Hoard from Pustakovec and other prehistoric Hoards from NW Croatia
Načinjena je statistika sedamnaest brončanodobnih ostava iz sjeverozapadne Hrvatske posebno s obzirom na nalaz ostave iz Pustakovca pokraj Koprivnice. Ona je uvrštena u drugi horizont ostava starije kulture polja sa žarama s uobičajenim repertoarom oblika - srpovi, sjekire, koplja, britve, dlijeta i mnogo nakita
Download Croatian 2000 CORE Dunja Glogović
'Lviv Regional Institute for Public Administration - LRIPA NAPA'
Sve intenzivnije širenje grada preko gradskih granica u procesu metropolitanizacije dovodi do specifičnog odnosa grada i njegove uže i šire okoline. Razlažu se različite metode rješavanja problema odnosa grada i gradskog ruba. Na primjeru Grada Zagreba ukazuje se na brojne teritorijalne promjene u posljednjih 50-ak godina koje su redovito zanemarivale ovu problematiku.The area of the urban fringe requires certain measures of influence, supervision and planning of the city centre because of the real...
Download Croatian 2000 CORE Željko Pavić
Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Neznani srednjovjekovni grad na gori Ivanščici
Download Croatian 1999 CORE K. Filipec
'Croatian Natural History Museum'
Carex buekii Wimm. (Cyperaceae) u hrvatskoj flori
This paper deals with the species Carex buekii Wimm., the occurrence of which in Croatia has previously been uncertain. Carex buekii Wimm. was found on the banks of the Kupa River at Vukova Gorica and Gornje Prilišće, villages in the west-north-west part of Croatia.Članak govori o vrsti Carex buekii Wimm. za koju se dosad nije sa sigurnošću znalo raste li u Hrvatskoj. Vrsta Carex buekii Wimm. nađena je na obali rijeke Kupe kod sela Vukova Gorica i Gornje Prilišće u zapadno-sjeverozapadnom dijelu...
Download 1999 CORE Ljerka Marković , Antun L. Alegro
Trortasta fibula v Sloveniji
The following article discusses three-knobbed fibulae with regard to their typology, chronology and their spatial distribution.They are classified into eleven types with numerous variants. Spatially, they are distributed chiefly throughout the Sveta Lucija and Dolenjska regions, although they have also been discovered in Este, Bela krajina, Lika and Picenum. Their chronology is established upon the material finds from the Sveta Lucija and Dolenjska regions where threeknobbed fibulae are present...
Download Slovene 1998 CORE Ogrin, Marija
'Croatian State Archives'
Cartographic collection of Croatian State Archives and its value as the source for researches
Kartografska zbirka Hrvatskog državnog arhiva druga je po veličini kartografska zbirka u Hrvatskoj . Ova Zbirka danas obuhvaća preko 4 000 kartografskih jedinica (signatura). Kao zbirka nacionalne arhivske ustanove ona sadrži prvenstveno starije karte, planove i atlase, dok je novija kartografska produkcija (nakon 1945.) nešto slabije zastupljena. Najveći broj kartografskih jedinica odnosi se na hrvatske zemlje, ali i na susjedne, posebno one s kojima je Hrvatska povijesno i kulturno bila u vezi....
Download 1998 CORE Mirela Slukan
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