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Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture
Influence of the Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. on SOD activity in four different genotypes of soybean seedlings
Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. is a very common pest in Serbia, which affects root and lower stem in many plants, causing charcoal rot. Among other plants, soybean is also often affected by this pathogen and, like others, on the attack responds with oxidative burst. The aim of this work was to compare the sensitivity of four different genotypes of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.): FAVORIT, ATLAS, SAVA and RUBIN on this pathogen. The activity of antioxidant enzyme superoxide-dismutase (SOD;...
Download 2021 CORE Crnković, Marina , Šućur, Jovana , Petrović, Kristina , Malenčić, Đorđe
Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture
Genetic diversity of Lathyrus sativus L. collection and characteristics of seeds grown in Slovenia and Serbia
Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) is a less common and nearly forgotten crop in many countries, including Slovenia and Serbia. In the present study, genetic analysis and seed characteristics of the collection of 22 grass pea accessions from several Southeast European plant gene banks were examined. The collection was produced in an open-field experiment at two countries/locations, i.e. Slovenia/Ljubljana – Jablje and Serbia/Novi Sad – Rimski Šančevi, during the 2019 growing season. For analysis of...
Download 2021 CORE Sinković, Lovro , Vasić, Mirjana , Pipan, Barbara , Savić, Aleksandra , Meglič, Vladimir
Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture
Influence of cultivar, soil conditioners and NPK fertilizers on yield components and bean grain yield
The primary goal of bean production is to obtain high and stable yields, in which an important role. For that reason, in this manuscript we investigated the impact of cultivar, soil conditioners and NPK fertilizer on yield components and grain yield of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Field microexperiments were conducted during the 2020 in the agroecological conditions of the central Šumadija (locality Rača Kragujevačka), on brown forest soil type (Eutric Cambisol), according to the Split plot design...
Download 2021 CORE Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica , Živanović, Ljubiša , Ikanović, Jela , Golijan, Jelena , Kolarić, Ljubiša , Popović, Vera
Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture
Assessment of drought stress on barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings using biochemical parameters
On a global scale, drought stress causes a significant threat to plant production. If barley plants experience drought stress at the seedling stage it may reduce plant fitness and affects the grain yield at the final stage of growth. In this study was investigated the relationship between drought and oxidative stress tolerance in barley. Twenty days after germination, two two-row winter barley cultivars NONIUS and NS 565 were exposed to 5 days long drought. The activity of antioxidant enzymes, superoxide...
Download 2021 CORE Ždero Pavlović, Ružica , Blagojević, Bojana , Mirosavljević, Milan , Popović, Boris
Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture
Crude protein content in wheat grain depending on the feeding method
The aim of this study was to determine the protein content of wheat grain in a sustainable production method. The research was conducted at the Scientific Institute PKB Agroekonomik Padinska Skela (2017-2019) with four varieties of wheat (Ratarica, Pobeda, Nogal and Apache) in densities of 400 and 500 grains/m2. The basic fertilization was with 400 kg NPK/ha. Feeding was performed: T1 with 150 kgN/ha; T2 150 kgN/ha+1 foliar treatment with multiple inoculum T3 100 kgN/ha+2 foliar treatments and T4...
Download 2021 CORE Đurić, Nenad , Đukić, Vojin , Petrović, Mladen , Cvijanović, Vojin , Miladinov, Zlatica , Cvijanović, Gorica , Stepić, Vesna
Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture
Effects of fall and spring primary tillage on soybean yield and 1000-grain weight in agro ecological conditions Serbia
The effect of fall and spring primary tillage on soybean yield and 1000-grain weight was examined in a three-year study (2013-2015). The trial included cultivars with different maturity periods, developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad: Valjevka and Galina 0 maturity group, Sava and NS Maximus I maturity group, Rubin and Venera II maturity group. Trial subplots were prepared using different periods of primary tillage, which was conducted in fall (01–05 November) and spring...
Download 2021 CORE Đukić, Vojin , Bajagić, Marija , Dozet, Gordana , Cvijanović, Vojin , Miladinov, Zlatica , Cvijanović, Gorica , Miladinović, Jegor
University Library in Kragujevac
Comparison of agronomical performance of Serbian wheat cultivars and NILs with different Ppd alleles
Photoperiod response (Ppd) genes are very important for adaptation of wheat to different agro-climatic conditions, but also have influence on crop yield. The aim of this study was to compare agronomic traits of 10 Serbian wheat cultivars and 54 NILs of cv. Paragon with single, double and triple doses of Ppd-1 alleles. The results showed that the NILs with introgressed single early Ppd-1 alleles (Set 2), as well as the NILs with introgressed Ppd-1 null alleles, knock-outs and late alleles (Set 4)...
Download 2021 CORE Kondić-Špika, Ankica , Brbaklić, Ljiljana , Trkulja, Dragana , Mikić, Sanja
Povijest nastanka i očuvanja Vrata od Krča u Turopoljskom lugu
Šume su bile važan resurs na kojem se temeljio gospodarski razvoj Turopolja sve do sredine 20. stoljeća. O gospodarenju i korištenju šumskog bogatstva postoje zapisnici od najranijeg vremena. Najstariji zapis o organiziranom krčenju šumskih površina većeg opsega u Turopolju potječe iz druge polovine 18. stoljeća. Nakon završetka krčenja, u znak sjećanja na ovaj iznimni poduhvat Turopoljci su podigli drveni spomenik Vrata od krča u Turopoljskom lugu. Početkom 20. stoljeća izvorna drvena arhitektura...
Download Croatian 2021 CORE Župetić, Vesna
Arheoloski muzej u Zagrebu
Zwei Typen mittelalterlicher Ohrringe aus Kroatien und Bosnien und Herzegowina
U razmatranje se uzimaju dva tipa naušnica koje se sporadično pojavljuju u okviru ranosrednjovjekovnih grobalja na teritoriju današnje Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine; naušnice s ukrasom u obliku spiralnih vitica na donjem luku karike i naušnice sa spiralnim privjeskom. U literaturi se podjednako pripisuju tzv. bjelobrdskoj i ketlaškoj kulturi, ali i nekim drugim kulturnim skupinama. Široka rasprostranjenost, kao i raznoliko vremensko opredjeljivanje, upućuju na zaključak da u oba slučaja nije riječ...
Download Croatian 2021 CORE Petrinec, Maja
'Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleza'
The fortresses of Turopolje
U radu se razmatraju obrambeni kompleksi i građevine koji su tijekom razvijenoga te mahom kasnoga srednjega vijeka i početkom novoga vijeka izgrađeni na području Turopolja, povijesno-geografske regije između desne obale rijeke Save na sjeveroistoku, sisačke Posavine na jugoistoku, Pokuplja na jugu, Vukomeričkih gorica na jugozapadu te približno samoborsko-žumberačke regije na sjeverozapadu. Iako povijesni izvori svjedoče o više desetaka utvrda, u radu smo se osvrnuli samo na one utvrde koje su u...
Download Croatian 2021 CORE Latinčić, Dubravka , Regan, Krešimir
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