A digital platform is aimed at making specific innovations and technological solutions, produced by the academic and research community, more accessible to private companies. It is a service for automatically downloading, synchronizing, sorting and displaying information from large scientific platforms such as Academia.edu, Google Scholar, or Researchers Gate to the platform EmpowerHR4Inno. Platform initially focus on priority sectors, food, health tourism, horizontal IT priority and nationally produced solutions with a tendency for further development. The following information can be found:
  • Course library with sub-content WoS published, results, other solutions, and digital tools and HR models;
  • Set of features that allow sending newsletters to users who sign up as interested in a particular group of news feeds.
Effect of Different Soil Treatments on Production and Chemical Composition of Essential Oils Extracted from Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Origanum vulgare L. and Thymus vulgaris L.
The aim of the study was to investigate how essential oil production and associated chemical composition and related biological activity could be influenced by different cultivation treatments and distillation methods. Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (fennel), Origanum vulgare L. (oregano) and Thymus vulgaris L. (thyme) were cultivated in absence of any fertilizer (control) and in presence of three different fertilizers: a chemical one with augmented mineral phosphorus and potassium, a second added with...
Download 2023 Roberta Astolfi , Simona Fiorentino , Rosanna Papa , Rino Ragno , Caterina Fraschetti , Claudia Papalini , Mijat Božović , Marika Trecca , Filippo Umberto Sapienza , Laura Selan , Valerio Vecchiarelli , Gabriele Lombardi , Antonio Raffo , Marco Artini ... Pogledajte sve
Molecular Docking Assessment of Cathinones as 5-HT2AR Ligands: Developing of Predictive Structure-Based Bioactive Conformations and Three-Dimensional Structure-Activity Relationships Models for Future Recognition of Abuse Drugs
Commercially available cathinones are drugs of long-term abuse drugs whose pharmacology is fairly well understood. While their psychedelic effects are associated with 5-HT2AR, the enclosed study summarizes efforts to shed light on the pharmacodynamic profiles, not yet known at the receptor level, using molecular docking and three-dimensional quantitative structure–activity relationship (3-D QSAR) studies. The bioactive conformations of cathinones were modeled by AutoDock Vina and were used to build...
Download 2023 Sanja Lj. Matić , Eleonora Proia , Nevena Tomašević , Emilija Kostić , Maja Vujović , Rino Ragno , Milan Mladenović , Mijat Božović , Venkatesan Ragavendran , Rossella Fioravanti , Biljana Arsić ... Pogledajte sve
Drivers of the Structure of Mollusc Communities in the Natural Aquatic Habitats along the Valley of a Lowland River: Implications for Their Conservation through the Buffer Zones
The objectives of our survey were to determine the most important environmental factors within buffer zones that influenced mollusc communities and to evaluate the ecological conservation value of natural aquatic habitats (NAHs) that support mollusc species. Analysis of the spatial structure of buffer zones and catchments was based on a set of landscape metrics. Land cover classes were determined, and buffer zones within a radius of 500 m from a sampling point were marked out. Mollusc samples were...
Download 2023 Grzegorz Michoński , Joanna Pakulnicka , Iga Lewin , Agnieszka Szlauer-Łukaszewska , Izabela Szućko-Kociuba , Edyta Stępień , Vladimir Pešić , Robert Stryjecki , Andrzej Zawal , Zuzanna Krzynówek , Maja Krakowiak , Aleksandra Bańkowska , Tapas Chatterjee ... Pogledajte sve
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Loess and geotourism potential of the Braničevo District (NE Serbia): From overexploitation to paleoclimate interpretation
Abstract The use of loess as a resource for paleoclimatic research is quite well established. In Serbia, a significant number of loess sequences have been preserved in old brickyards. The results of the previously conducted research indicate extremely valuable data that enable a better understanding of the mid- to late Pleistocene climatic evolution in this part of Europe, as well as human dispersal from Africa to Europe via the so-called Danubian migration corridor. The aim of this...
Download 2023 Nemanja Tomić , Milica G. Radaković , Rastko Marković , Aleksandar Antić , Velibor Spalevic , Miloš Marjanović , Zoran M. Perić , Milica Kostadinović , Slobodan B. Marković , Oliver Momčilović
Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Micromeria croatica (Lamiaceae), an Endemic and Potentially Valuable Horticultural Species of the Dinaric Alps
Due to climate extremes and limited natural resources, especially water, we can expect increased demand in the future for species that can better tolerate climate extremes such as drought. One potentially valuable horticultural species is the endemic species of the Dinaride Mountains Micromeria croatica (Pers.) Schott (family Lamiaceae). It grows in the crevices of carbonate rocks, extending from an altitude of 150 m to more than 2000 m. This study aims to provide additional insight into the genetic...
Download 2023 Ivan Radosavljevic , Sven D. Jelaska , Zlatko Šatović , Zlatko Liber , Dalibor Ballian , Vesna Židovec , Dario Kremer , Faruk Bogunić , Danijela Stešević , Marija Hodja
Soil Erosion Assessment Using the Intensity of Erosion and Outflow Model by Estimating Sediment Yield: Case Study in River Basins with Different Characteristics from Cluj County, Romania
As the fertile topsoil is constantly washed away and agricultural production is decreased, soil erosion is a serious environmental issue that affects the entire planet. All river basins experience changes in land use that affect sediment dynamics, soil erodibility, and hydrologic response. The main reason for the faster erosion rates is frequently attributed to those alterations. In the current study, the Intensity of Erosion and Outflow (IntErO) model was used to estimate the sediment yield and...
Download 2023 Lucian Octavian Dragomir , Tudor Salagean , Sorin M. Cîmpeanu , Sevastel Mircea , Teodor Rusu , Rastko Marković , Velibor Spalevic , Razvan Teodorescu , Paul Sestras , Ștefan Bilașco , Sanda Roșca ... Pogledajte sve
Using Smart Devices for Monitoring Elderly Patients in Rural Areas of Calabria after COVID-19 Vaccination: Experiences within the SI4CARE Project
The SI4CARE project is a transnational project which aims to develop both strategy and action plans to improve health and social care in the Adriatic–Ionian region. Starting from a survey of the status quo, each partner has developed some pilots to support the development and monitoring of the policy actions. In particular, partner number three, the Municipality of Miglierina, designed and developed a pilot related to the use of wearable devices for monitoring elderly patients in rural areas. With...
Download 2023 Katarina Vukojevic , Srdjan Kožetinac , Pietro Guzzi , , Dionysia Kontaxopolou , Danira Matijaca , Miodrag Miljkovic , Danica Stevovic , Vlatka Martinovic , Alessio Merola , Elisabetta Pedace , Filomena Talarico , Alessandro Gallo , Francesco Esposito , Nicola Mayera , Roberta Matkovic , Anamarija Kejar , Stella Fragkiadaki , Katjia Matesan , Salvatore Fregola , Vlado Dimovski , Margherita Menon , Ivan Radević , Guido Piccoli , Darja Semrov ... Pogledajte sve
Romanian Association of Balneology
The effects of 6-weeks program of physical therapeutic exergames on cognitive flexibility focused by reaction times in relation to manual and podal motor abilities
The main purpose of the study was to identify the level of improvement in cognitive flexi-bility manifested by choice and cognition reaction times in relation to manual and podal skills as a result of the implementation of a program of therapeutic exergame exercises, for a time interval of 6 weeks at the level of students. 511 students participated in the cross-sectional study, of which 279 male (54.6%) and 232 female (45.4%), divided into two groups: the experimental group 266 (521%) subjects and...
Download 2023 Florin Cojanu , Cristian Graur , Virgil Ene-Voiculescu , George Mocanu , Valentina Stefanica , Dana Badau , Georgeta Gabriela Cornea , Adela Badau , Catalin Octavian Manescu , Adin Cojocaru , Marko Joksimović , Sinziana Calina Silisteanu , Bogdan Marian Oancea ... Pogledajte sve
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
Analysis of training load and performance in designing smart bodyweight power training
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of set structures in designing bodyweight power training (BWPT). Specifically, we compared the effects of Cluster set structure undulating variant (CSSUV) and Traditional set structure (TSS) on training load and performance during vertical jumping sessions. Sixteen active males participated in this study. We designed four training sessions that consisted of 144 countermovement jumps distributed into 12 sets, where number of repetitions varied...
Download 2023 Predrag R. Božić , Nemanja R. Pažin , Milan S. Matić , Bobana B. Berjan Bačvarević , Saša T. Jakovljević , Radenko S. Arsenijević
National Library of Serbia
The first test of indoor air quality in kindergartens of the Republic of Srpska
The first experimental results of the indoor air quality in two kindergartens located in the Republic of Srpska are presented in this paper. Kindergarten representatives for the year of construction (old and new), building materials, and energy efficiency have been chosen. Indoor air quality measurements (air temperature, relative humidity, ventilation rate, CO2, and radon concentration) were performed during the winter of 2015/2016. Measured indoor air quality parameters are discussed...
Download 2023 Milan Popovic , Jelena Rasovic , Zoran Curguz , Biljana Antunovic , Darija Gajic , Aleksandar Jankovic , Nevenka Antovic
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