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Education Association of South Africa
Effects and challenges to implement differentiated mathematics teaching among fourth graders in Montenegro
In this quasi-experimental pretest-posttest study we examined the effects of differentiated instruction (DI) in within-class ability groupings of 246 Montenegrin fourth-graders and their ability to solve algebraic equations. We assessed 2 parallel student groups at equal achievement levels to compare DI, in which teaching and work modes were adapted to students’ grouping according to previous achievement and pretest scores, and traditional whole-class instruction. Pretest-posttest evaluations were...
Preuzmite dokument 2023 Biljana Maslovarić , Nada Šakotić , Tatjana Novović , Dijana Vučković , Veselin Mićanović
'Geological Society of London'
Calcareous nannofossil age constraints on Miocene flysch sedimentation in the Outer Dinarides (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro)
Flysch deposits are associated with the Outer Dinaride nappe front. They overlie Eocene platform carbonate to bathyal marl successions that subsequently cover Cretaceous platform carbonates of Apulia and the Dinaride nappes. Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy indicates Eocene age of flysch sedimentation. New calcareous nannofossil data reveal that several assemblages are present; besides the dominant Mid-Eocene species, Cretaceous, Paleocene, Oligocene and Miocene taxa were also identified...
Preuzmite dokument 2008 CORE Šikić , Báldi-Beke , Marjanac , Babić , Radoičić , Pribičević , Varga , de Capoa , Stradner , Bignot , Pamić , de Capoa , Pavlovec , Piccoli , Krašeninnikov , Živković , Chorowicz , Juračić , de Kaenel , Luković , Radoičić , Olszewska , Tari-Kovačić , de Capoa , Marinčić , Babić , Crnjaković , Tomljenović , Pavšič , Babić , Cadet , Benić , Tari , Schubert , Bellas , Bown , Babić , Pavšič , Oszczypko , Puškarić , Marjanac , Pavšič , Kohl , Babić , de Capoa , Čanović , Zupanič , Skaberne , Jelaska , Pavlovec , Marjanac , Kulka , Šikić , Prelogović , Košir , Muldini-Mamužić , Mantovani , Mrinjek , Pomerol , Magdalenić , de Capoa , Picha , Tunis , Grubić , Buser , Varga , Jerković , de Capoa , Muldini-Mamužić , Young , Babić , Mikes , Herak , Engel ... Pogledajte sve
Serbian Genetics Society
The inheritance of plant height in winter wheat -Triticum aestivum L.-
Four winter wheat varieties (Srbijanka, Partizanka, KG-56 and PKB-111) have been selected for diallel crossing in other to study the mode of inheritance, gene effect and genetic variance components for the plant height in F2 generation. Sixty plants of parents and F2 generation were used for analysis. The mode of inheritance was done on the basis of the significance of components of genetic variance and the regression analysis. The inheritance of plant height in the most crossing combinations was...
Preuzmite dokument 2005 CORE Pavlović Milanko , Mićanović Danica , Zečević Veselinka , Urošević Dušan , Knežević Desimir
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