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'Geological Society of London'
Calcareous nannofossil age constraints on Miocene flysch sedimentation in the Outer Dinarides (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro)
Flysch deposits are associated with the Outer Dinaride nappe front. They overlie Eocene platform carbonate to bathyal marl successions that subsequently cover Cretaceous platform carbonates of Apulia and the Dinaride nappes. Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy indicates Eocene age of flysch sedimentation. New calcareous nannofossil data reveal that several assemblages are present; besides the dominant Mid-Eocene species, Cretaceous, Paleocene, Oligocene and Miocene taxa were also identified...
Preuzmite dokument 2008 CORE Šikić , Báldi-Beke , Marjanac , Babić , Radoičić , Pribičević , Varga , de Capoa , Stradner , Bignot , Pamić , de Capoa , Pavlovec , Piccoli , Krašeninnikov , Živković , Chorowicz , Juračić , de Kaenel , Luković , Radoičić , Olszewska , Tari-Kovačić , de Capoa , Marinčić , Babić , Crnjaković , Tomljenović , Pavšič , Babić , Cadet , Benić , Tari , Schubert , Bellas , Bown , Babić , Pavšič , Oszczypko , Puškarić , Marjanac , Pavšič , Kohl , Babić , de Capoa , Čanović , Zupanič , Skaberne , Jelaska , Pavlovec , Marjanac , Kulka , Šikić , Prelogović , Košir , Muldini-Mamužić , Mantovani , Mrinjek , Pomerol , Magdalenić , de Capoa , Picha , Tunis , Grubić , Buser , Varga , Jerković , de Capoa , Muldini-Mamužić , Young , Babić , Mikes , Herak , Engel ... Pogledajte sve
Military Health Department, Ministry of Defance, Serbia
Benign paroxysmal torticollis in infancy
Background. Benign paroxysmal torticollis (BPT) is an episodic functional disorder of unknown etiology, characterized by the periods of torticollic posturing of the head, that occurs in the early months of life in healthy children. Case report. We reported two patients with BPT. In the first patient the symptoms were observed at the age of day 20, and disappeared at the age of 3 years. There were 10 episodes, of which 2 were followed by vomiting, pallor, irritability and the abnormal trunk posture....
Preuzmite dokument 2006 CORE Živković Vesna , Čolović Hristina , Dimitrijević Lidija
Dilatometer Investigations of Reactive Sintering of Zinc Titanate Ceramics
Poster presented at the The Sixth Yugoslav Materials Research Society Conference - YUCOMAT 2004, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, September 13-17, 2004
Preuzmite dokument 2004 CORE Labus, Nebojša , Ristić, Momčilo M. , Obradović, Nina , Živković, Lj. , Srećković, T.
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