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Les Amis d'Acarologia
Water mites of the genus Atractides Koch, 1837 from Kyrgyzstan (Acari: Hydrachnidia: Hygrobatidae) with the description of six new species
Water mites of the genus Atractides Koch, 1837 are among the most frequently found mites in running waters of the Western Palaearctic. In the present study, new records are given for two previously described species, and six species new to science are described from Kyrgyzstan, i.e., Atractides bellus n. sp., A. karakali n. sp., A. kyrgyzicus n. sp., A. tienshanensis n. sp., A. ivanae n. sp. and A. yunusi n. sp. All material was collected in August 2013 during a collecting trip of the authors.
Preuzmite dokument 2021 Harry Smit , Vladimir Pešić
Les Amis d'Acarologia
New records of water mites from New Zealand, with the description of three new genera and ten new species (Acari: Hydrachnidia)
Many new records are presented of rare water mites from New Zealand. Three new genera are described, i.e. Moanabates n. gen. (Hygrobatidae), Asperaturus n. gen. and Minyaturus n. gen. (Aturidae: Notoaturinae), and ten new species, i.e. Limnesia moanaensis n. sp., L. pseudozelandica n. sp., L. quinqueglandulosa n. sp., Zelandobates tongariro n. sp., Z. occidentalis n. sp., Moanabates moanaensis n. sp., Asperaturus petiolatus n. sp., Minyaturus minutulus n. sp., Paratryssaturus montanus n. sp. and...
Preuzmite dokument 2020 Harry Smit , Vladimir Pešić
Les Amis d'Acarologia
Mideopsis milankovici sp. nov. a new water mite from Montenegro based on morphological and molecular data (Acariformes, Hydrachnidia, Mideopsidae)
Water mite species of the genus Mideopsis Neuman, 1880 are common in running and standing waters in the Palaearctic. In the present study we used an integrative taxonomic approach by applying partial COI sequences (DNA-barcodes) and morphological characteristics to describe a new species, Mideopsis milankovici sp. nov. from the Mediterranean region of Montenegro. A high genetic distance (18.8-26% K2P) from three other known European congeners, M. crassipes Soar, 1904, M. orbicularis (Müller, 1776),...
Preuzmite dokument 2020 Harry Smit , Vladimir Pešić
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