The article aims at the comprehensive analysis of the phraseological level of the Njegos’ poem Stephen the Little. The idioms of the poems have been organized into eight phraseological genres, based on the author's classification already applied to the text of The Mountain Wreath. The author has illustrated each genre with the appropriate examples, as well as their syntactic, semantic, and stylistic features. The high frequency and stylistic diversity of the phraseology of the poem prove the importance of researching its phraseological units in the overall assessment of the poet's idiolect and idio style. This paper, also, highlights the importance of researching the phraseology of Njegos’ works for the study of the overall phraseology of the Serbian language in its diachrony and synchrony, bearing in mind the high share of dialectal and archaic idioms. Moreover, some attested idioms present evidence of old ethnocultural concepts that have been verbalized and preserved in the language of the era, so their reconstruction is valuable for other humanities, as well. The author emphasizes the importance of studying Njegos' phraseology in the Slavic context on the examples of the reconstruction of the meaning of certain archaic idioms.