University of Zagreb. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Department of History of Art.
Artistic Heritage of Church County Velika Gorica - Odra
Diplomsko istraživanje provedeno je kroz prikupljanje podataka iz postojeće literature i arhivskih izvora te terensko dokumentiranje i autopsiju djelā u svrhu prezentiranja svih bitnih podataka i valorizacije likovne baštine crkava i kapela Velikogoričko-odranskog dekanata koji obuhvaća jedanaest župa. Istraživački rezultati prezentirani u ovom diplomskom radu strukturirani su na način umjetničke horografije odnosno pregleda župa i crkvenih inventara. Područje Velikogoričko-odranskog dekanata je iznimno raznovrsno što se likovne baštine tiče. Mnogo je djelā na istim lokalitetima iz raznih stoljeća. Od sačuvane barokne altaristike i skulpture ističu se primjerice one Johannesa Komersteinera i Claudiusa Kautza, a od devetnaestostoljetnog inventara radovi Ferdinanda Stuflessera i Slavoljuba Wagmeistera uz intervencije u liturgijski prostor XX. i XXI. stoljeća hrvatskih akademskih kipara čija djelā su naručivana u novije doba. Od štafelajnog slikarstva sačuvano je ono iz XVII. i XVIII. stoljeća u skromnijoj slikarskoj redakciji visokih uzora, uglavnom grafičkih predložaka, a iste možemo pronaći i na stijenama drvenih kapela. Sačuvano je zidno slikarstvo XIX. i XX. stoljeća, oslici Marka Antoninija, Petra Rutara i Lovre Sirnika. Sačuvane propovjedaonice su u malom broju s obzirom na broj obrađivanih crkava što se ne može reći za brojne vitraje koji danas krase iste objekte. Većina sakralnih građevina je s pripadajućim inventarom kategorizirano kao zaštićeno kulturno dobro te su brojne obnove posljednjih godina pokrenute i provedene u svrhu njihove zaštite.This Masters thesis' research is conducted through collection of data from existing literature and archival sources, as well as field documentation and autopsy of art works for the purpose of presenting all relevant informations and valorisation of art heritage of the churches and chapels in church county Velika Gorica-Odra which includes eleven parishes. Research results presented in this Masters thesis are structured in a way of art chorography, respectively as an overview of parishes and their church inventories. The area of the church county Velika Gorica-Odra is extremely diverse regarding art heritage. There are many art works from different centuries on the same localities. Among the preserved baroque altars and sculptures are for example those by Johannes Komersteiner and Claudius Kautz, and from the 19th century works by Ferdinand Stuflesser and Slavoljub Wagmeister with interventions in the liturgical space from 20th and 21st century by Croatian academic sculptors whose works have been commissioned in the recent times. Regarding paintings from 17th and 18th century, they were preserved in a more modest form with a higher role model, mostly graphic patterns, which we also find on the walls of wooden chapels. Preserved wall paintings originated in the 19th and 20th century, creations by Marko Antonini, Petar Rutar and Lovro Sirnik. There is not so many preserved pulpits which cannot be said for stained glass which is present in most of the objects given the number of churches included in this research. Most churches with their inventory are categorised as protected cultural heritage and numerous renovations have been launched in recent years for the purpose of protecting them
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