University of Zagreb. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Department of History.
Hydrogeographic characteristics of the Croatian part of the Sutla catchment area
Rijeka Sutla je srednjoeuropska rijeka koja svojim tokom predstavlja prirodnu granicu Republike Hrvatske i Republike Slovenije. Izvire u Sloveniji na južnim obroncima Maceljskog gorja, na 715 metara nadmorske visine, a u Savu se ulijeva u Zagrebačkoj županiji pokraj sela Drenje. U radu se razmatraju relevantna prirodno-geografska i društveno-geografska obilježja porječja Sutle, s naglaskom na hidrogeografske značajke prostora. U prvom dijelu rada se obrađuju hidrogeološki, hidromorfološki i hidrometeorološki parametri koji su osnova za određivanje režima Sutle, a u drugom dijelu razmatra se utjecaj hidrografije istraživanog područja na društveno-geografske procese koji se u tom prostoru odvijaju.The Sutla is a Central European river that along its course represents the natural border between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia. It spring is in Slovenia on the southern slopes of Maceljska gora at an altitude of 715 meters above sea level and it flows into Sava in the Zagreb county near the village of Drenje. The paper deals with relevant natural geographical as well as socio-geographic features, with an emphasis on its hydrogeographic characteristics. First part of the papr deals with hydrogeological, hydro-morhological and hydro-meteorological parameters which are the basis for determining water regime of Sutla River. The second part of the paper analyses the influence of hydrography of the researched territory on the related socio-geographic processes
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