University of Zagreb. Department of Croatian Studies.
Popular piety in the parish Brdovec in the 17th and 18th Century
Ovaj je doktorski rad prvi rad koji ovu specifičnu temu obrađuje za navedeno područje te je u tom smislu pionirski pothvat koji može poslužiti kao smjerokaz budućim istraživačima za nova istraživanja. Okosnicu radnje čini opsežna analiza 60 čudesnih ozdravljenja ostvarenih po zagovoru sv. Vida i sv. Barbare zabilježenih u najstarijoj župnoj matičnoj knjizi rođenih u razdoblju od 1677. do 1779. Drugi je vrijedni izvor knjiga članova Bratovštine sv. Barbare koja je u brdovečkoj župi djelovala od 1676. do 1814., odnosno analiza 3 327 članova čiji je prijepis dodan u Prilozima. Treći važan izvor su kanonske vizitacije od 1622. do 1777. u kojima su zabilježeni podaci o vjerskom djelovanju svećenika i župljana. Znanstvenom obradom ova tri dosad neobjavljena izvora stvoreni su temelji za podrobniju analizu društveno-religijskih zbivanja na brdovečkom području u navedenom razdoblju. Treba dodati kako brdovečka župa i danas posjeduje dokumentaciju iz 17. i 18. stoljeća koja je analizirana za potrebe rada. Također je obrađena i bogata knjižnica brdovečke župe koja sadrži oko 130 knjiga iz 17. i 18. stoljeća, a rabili su ih u svakodnevnoj praksi brdovečki svećenici. Obradom gradiva temeljem suvremenih historiografskih metoda dobiveni su podaci dodatno objašnjeni grafikonima, ilustracijama i tablicama. Uz navedene izvore te uz posebnan osvrt na pobožnost u objavljenom izvornom gradivu i literaturi, ovaj rad predstavlja najopsežniji pregled povijesnih zbivanja na brdovečkom području dosad.Doctoral thesis "Popular piety in the parish Brdovec in the 17th and 18th Century" is the first that deals with this specific topic for that area, so in this sense, this thesis constitutes a pioneering venture that could serve as future researcher’s directions for new socio - religious studies. The backbone of thesis makes extensive analysis of 60 miraculous healings accomplished through the intercession of St. Vitus and St. Barbara recorded in the oldest book of the parish home births in the period from year 1677 till 1779. Another valuable source is the book Members of the confraternity of St. Barbara who have existed in the parish Brdovec from 1676 till 1814. The transcript of 3.327 confraternity members who are analyzed in this research is added to the enclosures. Third important source for the study of popular piety in parish Brdovec are canonical visitation from 1622 till 1777 in which they recorded information about the religious activities of priests and parishioners. Scientific elaboration of these three unpublished sources created the basis for a more detailed analysis of the socio - religious events in Brdovec area in this period. It should be emphasized that parish Brdovec even today has documentation from the 17th and 18th century which was analyzed in this study. Furthermore, the rich library of parish Brdovec, which contain about 130 books from the 17th and 18th century, were used in everyday practice by Brdovec priests was also examined. The results of this study in which primary sources were analyzed on the basis of modern historiographic method are presented also by charts, illustrations and tables. Besides abovementioned sources and the review on devotion in the former published source materials and literature, this thesis represents the most comprehensive overview of historical events in Brdovec area so far
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