Tehnički razvoj civilizacje uslovljava sve veći broj uređaja i aparata koji nas okružuju a koje najčešće nismo u stanju da suštinski upoznamo principe njihovog rada. Zbog toga se takvi uređaji najčešće nepotpuno ili čak pogrešno koriste odnosno ne koriste se sve u optimalnim parametrima i u svim funkcijama za koje su projektovani. Nepoznavanje suštine rada pumpi i kompresora ima za posledicu da mnogi inženjeri ne znaju da pravilno odaberu tip pumpe i kompresora za pojedine uslove eksploatacije tj. transporta fluida. Posledica lošeg izbora ovih uređaja je povećana potrošnja energije za njihov rad, opterećenje mreže kuda fluid protiče, veliki ili nizak pritisak na željenim tačkama duž instalacije, smanjeno iskorišćenje i dr. Loš izbor takođe povlači nefunkcionalan rad i drugih uređaja koji zavise od rada pumpi i kompresora što za posledicu ima nekvalitetan proizvod ili uslugu koju zbirno ta oprema daje. Iz gore navedenih razloga napravljena je aparatura koja na jednostavan način demonstrira princip rada pumpi i kompresora. Aparatura na jednostavan način vizuelno prezentuje princip rada pumpi i kompresora, i na jednostavan način demonstrira kako se električna energja pretvara u energiju kretanja radnog kola pumpe a potom pretvara u potencijalnu, statičku i dinamičku energiju fluida nad kojim se vrši rad.
U ovom radu je pokazano da su izmerene H-Q krive u dobroj saglasnosti sa teorijskom Bernulijevom jednačinom. Na aparaturi se najbolje pokazuje funkcionalnost i primena Bernulijeve jednačine kao i njena detaljna analiza. Aparatura je namenjena svima koji imaju potrebu da se pravilno upoznaju sa tehničkim karakteristikama pumpi i kompresora i kako se te karakteristike mogu izmeriti.The technical development of civilization is conditioned by the increasing number of devices and apparatus that surround us, which we are most often unable to substantially understand the principles of their operation. As a result, such devices are most often incompletely or even incorrectly used, or not all are used in optimal parameters and in all the functions for which they are designed. Unfamiliarity with the essence of the operation of pumps and compressors results in many engineers not knowing how to correctly select the type of pump and compressor for particular operating conditions, ie fluid transport. The consequence of poor selection of these devices is the increased energy consumption for their operation, the load on the network where the fluid flows, the high or low pressure at the desired points along the installation, reduced utilization, etc. Poor selection also entails dysfunctional operation of other devices that depend on the operation of pumps and compressors, resulting in a poor quality product or service provided by that equipment For the above reasons, an apparatus has been made that demonstrates the principle of operation of pumps and compressors in a simple manner. The apparatus visually presents the principle of operation of the pumps and compressors and demonstrates in a simple manner how electricity is converted into the energy of the pump impeller and then converted into the potential, static and dynamic energy of the fluid over which it is operated.
This paper shows that the measured H-Q curves are in good agreement with the theoretical Bernoulli equation. The functionality and application of Bernoulli's equation and its detailed analysis are best demonstrated on the apparatus. The apparatus is intended for all those who need to know properly the technical characteristics of pumps and compressors and how these characteristics can be measured