Institute of arhaeology
Rani srednji vijek od alpskih obronaka do Panonije
The archaeological research on the motorway routes along the Drava and Mura rivers has yielded important data on the first Slavic settlement and their material culture from the 6th and 7th centuries. Numerous settlements from the later period, from the 10th to 15th century were discovered and these, due to the state of research, play an important role in the understanding of that period. The material mentioned in the paper, as well as the C14 dates, offer a quality approach to the analysis of material culture with special focus on pottery finds.Zahvaljujući istraživanjima na trasama autocesta uz tokove Drave i Mure, dobili smo značajne podatke o prvom naseljavanju i materijalnoj kulturi Slavena iz 6. i 7. st. Otkrivena su i brojna naselja kasnijeg razdoblja, 10.-15. st., koja zbog stanja istraženosti dobivaju značajnu ulogu u upoznavanju tog dijela povijesti. U prilogu navedeni radovi i nalazi sa C14 datacijama nude kvalitetan pristup obradi materijalne kulture, osobito keramičkih nalaza
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