University of Zagreb. Faculty of Science. Department of Geography.
Analysis of public transportation in Zagreb
Javni gradski prijevoz je jedna od najvažnijih funkcija gradova jer omogućava mobilnost gradskog stanovništva. Grad Zagreb ima najrazvijeniju mrežu javnog gradskog prometa u Hrvatskoj, čiji je razvoj započeo još krajem 19. stoljeća, te jedini, uz Osijek, ima razvijenu i autobusnu i tramvajsku mrežu javnog prometa. Cilj rada je analizirati trenutno stanje i razvijenost mreže autobusnog i tramvajskog prometa u gradu Zagrebu istraživanjem stručne literature te primjenom jednostavnih statističkih, matematičkih i kartografskih metoda.Public city transport is one of the essential functions of cities because it enables the mobility of the city's population. The City of Zagreb has the most developed network in Croatia, whose development started in the late 19th century, and the only one, along with Osijek, that has a bus and tram networks. The aim of the paper is to analyze the current condition and development of bus and tram traffic network in the city of Zagreb through research of literature and application of simple statistical, mathematical and cartographic methods
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