Institute of arhaeology
The Marić Hillfort Settlement near Mikleuška during the Late Bronze and the Early Iron Age
Prostor Moslavine, smješten na jugozapadnom dijelu kontinentalne Hrvatske, obuhvaća tranzicijski geografski položaj koji spaja sjeverozapadnu Hrvatsku s prostorom Slavonije na istoku te Posavinom na jugu. Ipak, do danas je ovo područje nedovoljno istraženo s tek malim brojem nalazišta koja se mogu pripisati kasnom brončanom i starijem željeznom dobu. Istraživanja na gradini Marić pokraj Kutine te kronološko-tipološka analiza keramičkih nalaza pokazala su da je naselje živjelo najvećim intenzitetom tijekom mlađe faze kasnoga brončanog doba te tijekom prijelaza na starije željezno doba. Pitanja koja se tiču ranijih faza naseljavanja na gradini ostaju otvorena. Kulturni utjecaji koji se mogu pratiti tijekom mlađe faze kulture polja sa žarama povezuju naselje na gradini s istovremenim nalazištima na prostoru Podravine i Posavine. Jednako tako, određeni nalazi upućuju na lokalne posebnosti koje nisu vezane samo uz prostor Moslavine nego i uz prostor sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Malen broj nalaza upućuje na nastavak života na gradini tijekom starijega željeznog doba, no potpuniji prikaz toga razdoblja još uvijek nije moguće dati.The Moslavina region, situated in the south-western part of continental Croatia, occupies a transitional geographical position connecting the north-western parts of the country with Slavonia and Posavina regions. To this day it remains an insufficiently researched area with only a few known sites that can be attributed to the periods of the Late Bronze and the Early Iron Age. The research and pottery analysis have shown that the settlement on Marić hillfort near Kutina lived most intensely during the later phases of the Urnfield Culture and during the transitional period to the Early Iron Age. Questions regarding earlier setllement stages still remain open. Cutural influences that can be traced during the Late Urnfield Culture link the settlement on the hillfort with contemporary sites in the Podravina and Posavina regions. Some of the finds point out to local distinctions that are not only specific to Moslavina region, but to the area of north-western Croatia, as well. A small number of finds indicates that life on the hillfort continued into the Early Iron Age, but conclusions about a more complete picture of this period cannot be made
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