University of Zagreb. Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. Independent chairs. Chair of Transport Infrastructure.
Geotraffical analysis of suburban traffic of the Zagreb County
Tematika ovog rada je analiza prigradskog prometa grada Zagreba. Cilj rada je istražiti glavne karakteristike, prometni položaj te glavne demografske karakteristike Zagrebačke županije te istražiti geoprometnu analizu iste. Naglasak je na primjerima autobusnih linija gdje se može uvidjeti gusta mreža autobusnog prometa i linija. Također, sastavni dio rada je istražiti i željeznički promet i njegov utjecaj u prigradskom prometu Zagrebačke županije baš kao i moguće eventualne nadogradnje postojećih prometnih sustava inteligentnim transportnim sustavima.The topic of this paper is an analysis of the suburban traffic of Zagreb County. The aim of the paper is to examine the main characteristics, the position and the main demographic characteristics of Zagreb County and to analyse its geotraffic position. The paper focuses on bus lines where one can see a dense traffic network of bus lines. The paper also examines railway traffic and its impact on the suburban development of Zagreb County as well as potential upgrades of current transportation systems with intelligent transportation systems
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