'Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts'
The Military-Territorial Division and Reorganization of the Austro-Hungarian Army Between 1867 and 1890
Jedan od važnih momenata u održivosti Austro-Ugarske Monarhije ogledao se u njenoj vojnoj moći i stabilnosti. U tom pogledu odmah pri sklapanju Nagodbe 1867. između Austrije i Ugarske, doneseni su temelji na kojima će počivati cjelokupni ustroj stalne vojske u Monarhiji, ali i kasniji državni aparat Dvojne Monarhije. Glede pitanja vojnog uređenja, sam vojni vrh uzdrmane vojske Monarhije nakon teškog poraza 1866. morao je hitno mijenjati postojeće stanje i izvršiti preustroj cjelokupne vojske. U preustroju se morao uzeti u obzir što postojeći vlastiti vojni sustav, što sustav nekih europskih vojski (naročito pruski model), da bi se od postojeće trome i neučinkovite vojske napravila funkcionalna i djelotvorna vojska. Nakon potrebne reorganizacije nova zapovjedna, administrativna i vojno-teritorijalna podjela umnogome je poboljšala način funkcioniranja austrougarske vojske. Takav način ustroja i djelovanja austrougarske vojske ostati će s manjim izmjenama sve do početka Prvog svjetskog rata, tj. do raspada Monarhije 1918. godine.One of the important factors for the viability of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was its military power and stability. Because of this, immediately after the settlement between Austria and Hungary in 1867, foundations were laid on which the whole structure of the standing army in the Monarchy was to stand as well as the later state apparatus of the dual Monarchy. As far as the structure of the army was concerned, the military leadership of the shaken army of the Monarchy itself, after the heavy defeat in 1866, had to change the state of things and restructure the entire army. The restructuring had to take into consideration the existing military system of the Monarchy as well as the systems of some other European armies (particularly the Prussian model) in order to transform the existing sluggish and ineffective army into a functional and effective army. After the necessary restructuring, the new commanding, administrative and military-territorial division greatly enhanced the way the Austro-Hungarian army functioned. This structure and mode of functioning of the Austro-Hungarian army will remain with slight changes up to the beginning of WW I, that is, up to the dissolution of the Monarchy in 1918
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