U radu se prikazuje i tumači problem kriza i katastrofa. Pojmovima krize, konceptualnih i metodologijskih aspekata, prikazuju se osnovni pojmovi krize, menadžmenta i katastrofe. Objašnjava se zašto se osjeća zazor prema samoj riječi kriza i zašto ona ima negativna obilježja. Prevladavanjem uzroka krize svladavaju se teškoće i otvaraju nove mogućnosti.This paper presents and interprets the problem of crises and disasters. Through the concept of crisis in the European Union, the conceptual and methodological aspects, the basic concepts of crisis, management and disaster are being presented. It explains why we feel uncomfortable with the very word crisis and why it has negative attributes. Overcoming the causes of crises we overcome difficulties and open up new possibilities