Banks play a crucial role in promoting online businesses. Banks are trustworthy
intermediaries in the online transactions and they provide a bold opening in the online business.
Banks have e-payment systems like Internet banking, electronic fund transfers, plastic money
(credit card & debit card) and mobile banking. These systems provide payment to online
transactions. For the real working of these e-services, the need of e-banking platform development
is an inevitable feature.
This paper examines the efficient utilization of developing e-banking platform which have
all the infrastructures for availing the same. For this reason we explore the impact of systems
factors for E- banking platform development (scalability, interoperability, fast server response,
user-friendliness ect.), Organizational factors for E- banking platform development
(multistakeholders perspective, bank image and resource allocation)and Economic factors
(operational efficiency, administration costs, innovation diffusion, financial information
assistance). The change of economy from a traditional way to the recently demanded form needs
a huge technological support and effort, better planning and efficiency in implementation thus
pushing the banks to design various electronic money products