U ovom radu obrađena je tema tehničkih vatrogasnih intervencija oslobađanje putnika i gašenja požara autobusa prilikom prometne nezgode. Veliki napredak tehnologije u automobilskoj industriji rezultira većom sigurnosti putnika u prometnim nezgodama, no istovremeno postoji velika opasnost da će ostati zarobljeni unutar automobila ili autobusa. Stoga, razvoj novih tehnologija zahtijeva i kontinuirani razvoj uređaja i opreme koji olakšavaju izvlačenje unesrećenih osoba kako iz automobila tako i iz autobusa. U radu su opisani uređaji, naprave i sredstva koja su neophodna za izvlačenje unesrećenih osoba iz autobusa i gašenje požara pri vatrogasnoj intervenciji, bez kojih bi izvlačenje bilo otežano ili čak pogubno za unesrećene. U Republici Hrvatskoj svaka intervencija vatrogasnih službi i hitne pomoći u prometnim nezgodama uključuje i prisutnost policije. Hitne službe uvježbane su za timski rad, što je osobito važno kod prometnih nesreća autobusa. U radu je prikazana taktika oslobađanja putnika i gašenja požara u cestovnom prometu, a na odabranom primjeru vatrogasna intervencija spašavanja putnika i gašenja poţara autobusa.In this thesis the topic of technical fire-fighting interventions, the evacuation of passengers and the extinguishing of the fire during the accident has been analyzed. Great advance of technology in the automotive industry results in greater passenger safety in traffic accidents, but at the same time there is a great danger that they will remain trapped in the car or bus. Therefore, the development of new technologies requires the continuous development of devices and equipment that make it easier to evacuate injured persons either from car or bus. The thesis describes devices, gadgets and tools necessary for evacuating injured ones out of the bus and extinguishing fire during firefighting, without which evacuation would be difficult or even detrimental to injured passengers. In the Republic of Croatia, each intervention of fire service and emergency assistance in traffic accidents includes the presence of police. Emergency services are trained for teamwork, which is particularly important in bus traffic accidents. The thesis describes the evacuation of passengers and fire extinguishing in road traffic, and on the chosen example, the fire escape intervention of passengers and extinguishing fire in the bus