University of Zagreb. Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering. Department of Geology and Geological Engineering.
Creating a map of average annual concentration of nitrate using methods of interpolation for a well field catchment area "Mala Mlaka" : master's thesis
Korištenjem podataka iz baze podataka projekta EGPV (Evidencija i gospodarenje podzemnim vodama Republike Hrvatske), pomoću četiri metode interpolacije Spline, Natural Neighbour, Inverse Distance Weighted i Kriging, napravljene su karte prosječnih godišnjih koncentracija nitrata za priljevno područje crpilišta Mala Mlaka. Karte su napravljene kako bi se utvrdilo jesu li metode interpolacije iskoristive i koja od metoda interpolacije je najbolja za primjenu. Spline metoda interpolacije se pokazala kao najbolja, dok su preostale tri metode bile gotovo neiskoristive.Abstract: Using the data from the database of project EGPV (Recording of data and economy of groundwater resources, croatian abbreviation: EGPV), with four interpolation methods Spline, Natural Neighbour, Inverse Distance Weighted and Kriging, are made maps of average annual concentration of nitrate for a well field catchment area „Mala Mlaka“. Maps are made in order to determine whether the methods of interpolation are usable and which method of interpolation is best for the application. Spline interpolation method has proven to be the best, while the other three methods were almost unusable
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