'National and University Library of the Republic of Srpska'
Single-parent families and juvenile delinquency
Promene koje se dešavaju u savremenom društvu nisu zaobišle ni porodicu, kao primarnu društvenu grupu. Prema statističkim podacima, tradicionalna porodica u nekim delovima sveta praktično iščezava i ustupa mesto drugim oblicima porodične strukture. Od poslednje četvrtine XX veka primetan je porast učešća jednoroditeljskih porodica, kao i povećanje interesovanja istraživača za ispitivanje problematike ove pojave. Jedno od važnih pitanja je povezanost ovakvog oblika strukture porodice sa maloletničkom delinkvencijom, što čini i predmet ovog rada. Cilj rada je ukazivanje na značaj ispitivanja porodičnih faktora rizika delinkvencije, sa posebnim osvrtom na specifičnosti jednoroditeljskih porodica.The changes that are happening in modern society have not evaded the family, as primary social group. According to statistics, the traditional family in some parts of the world is practically disappearing and giving way to other forms of family structure. Since the last quarter of the 20th century, there has been a noticeable increase in the participation of single-parent families, as well as an increase in the interest of researchers in examining the problems of this phenomenon. One of the important issues is the connection between this form of family structure and juvenile delinquency, which is the subject of this paper. The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of examining family risk factors for delinquency, with special reference to the specifics of single-parent families.Porodica i savremeno društvo - Izazovi i perspektiv
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