University of Zagreb. Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering. Department of Geology and Geological Engineering.
Determination of hydraulic conductivity using constant head permeability test method in the area of the well field Velika Gorica : master’s thesis
U radu je određivana hidraulička vodljivost na nekonsolidiranom uzorku šljunka i pijeska iz pedološkog okna na području vodocrpilišta Velika Gorica. Uzorak je testiran u laboratoriju primjenom permeametra sa stalnom razinom i dana je usporedba rezultata u odnosu na metodu određivanja hidrauličke vodljivosti uz pomoć empirijskih formula Hazena, Slichtera i USBR. Teorijski dio rada definira Darcyjev zakon i hidrauličku vodljivost te opisuje korištene laboratorijske metode i metode temeljene na empirijskim formulama za određivanje hidrauličke vodljivosti. Dobivena vrijednost hidrauličke vodljivosti metodom permeametra sa stalnom razinom je unutar raspona očekivanih vrijednosti za zagrebački vodonosnik, a iznosi 8,2×10-5 m/s.The main goal of this Master's thesis was to determine hydraulic conductivity of unconsolidated gravel and sand sample from the pedological area in the well field Velika Gorica. Sample was tested in laboratory using a constant head permeability test and were compared with the results from method based on empirical formulas (Hazen, USBR, Slichter). The theoretical part of the work defines Darcy's law and hydraulic conductivity and describes used laboratory methods and method based on empirical formulas for determining hydraulic conductivity. Obtained value of hydraulic conductivity using a constant head permeability test is within the range of expected values for the Zagreb aquifer and it is 8.2×10-5 m/s
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