Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments
Medieval Monuments with lnscriptions at the St. John Cemetery of Livno
Autor analizira nekoliko kamenih ulomaka 5 epigrafskim znakovima glagoljice i hrvatske ćirilice (bosančice)pronadenih na arheološkom lokalitetu Groblje Sv. Ive u Livnu. Pročitavši ih, došao je do rezultata da se radi o glagoljskom zapisU Luke dijaka pisanom na kapitulu 1368. godine. Zatim, o zapisU pisanom hrvatskom ćirilicom na kamenim ulomcima poklopca sarkofaga RestoJ!! J1iho!ne, protovestyara i komornika bosanskih kraljeva Tvrtka II Tvrtkovića i Stjepana Tomaša, koji je izradio zidar Ratko.Among ruins of the paleo-Christian basilica and the Franciscan monastery of Sv. Ivan Krstitelj (St. john the Baptist), at the archaeological site of Sv. Jvo (St. john) cemetery of Livno, on several stone fragments there have been found remains of epitaphs written in the Glagolitic and the Croatian Cynllic, the Bosančica, scnpts. On one of two small capitals, between the ualutes, there is inscribed lilith a sharp object and in the Glagolitic letters.· ASE PJSA LUKA DIJAK 1386 On the same capital there are also a monogram and several unclear drawings. Several more Glagolitic letters are written on another stone fragment. On two pieces of a broken grave or sarcophagus cover, with a sharp object there are inscnbed two open hands. On the right hand palm, in fine and legihle Croatian CyriIIic sCript, the Bosančica, it is written· ASE ŽIVA RUKA RESTOJE M. On the third fragment of the same plate it is written: ASE PISA RA TKO. Luka dijak could have been a sCripter o fthe monastery sCriptorium, whereas Restaje, mentioned on the second fragment, was a distinguished man of Livno, long time chamberlain, protovestiar and emissary ofthe Bosnian kings Tvrtko II Tvrtković (1420-1443) and Sljepan Tomaš (1443-1461) Jt is most probable that Restoje had his tomb built in the Franciscan monastelY ofSv. Jvan Krstitelj during his very life, having entrusted this job to the mason ofLivno, Ratko. The Glagolitic epigraphic monuments of the 14" century and those in the Croatian CyriIIic, Bosančica, of the 15 th century, make reliable evidences of the rich cultural heritage of the Livno area
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